Here are just some of what I took. I will post more tonight. Raceway practicing Thursday afternoon. In Da Kitchen. Was this the shot that missed the entire target? We will never know!!! Think this is one of my favorite pics! This one is a monster! Mechdoc chill'n and recording! Dubbya getting in some Friday afternoon practice! This one makes me SMILE!
i gotta get a better cam some day soon... I brought my point and shoot but it never made it outta the truck
Man I wish I could have been there this year, stupid weddings.. Looks like everyone had a great time.. Walt
Boy - o - boy, i would have a hard time believing that anyone had fun, no smiles... Except the guy drinking the fake beer
Canon Rebel XSi. Was pretty scary taking those pics of Raceway and In Da Kitchen. I was only standing 2 feet almost directly in front of them. The arrows were flying just past my head everytime. But I really like how they turned out. I actually ended up taking a few hundred shots of the two of them during that practice shoot.
nice ferg, i'm about > < close to buying a new T1i for my wife... tell what you like and don't like about that cam
There are some great pictures in there Fergie, you should edit it with some names on the pics as I'm not sure I know everyone. I think I do but I'm not sure.
Honestly Seven, I just got the camera a month or so ago and haven't really used it that much. And this is my first real good camera so I am not sure what is considered good or not yet. I am still learning how to use it. But I am really enjoying it. I had more fun taking those photo's then I did shooting with them.
I have a ton more so I am not really sure if those are even the best ones. I haven't had time to go through all of them but I really liked the shot of Hank where his bow is in focus and he is blurry. I thought that was an awesome shot!
Yes i just did a few mintes ago, i was looking up specs, I have the Sony 30gb HDD cam, which is a hard drive cam and not HD recording one like Mech Dog has. Mine comes with a 40x optical zoom compared to his 20X...everything is similiar. We used special camo camera tape to cover it with.
Cool, I have been looking at them all online trying to figure out which one I want to go with. Think I will hit the store tonight and check them out.
Talk to Mech Dog, he got a steal for his HD cam on Ebay, payed less then i did for mine. Zoom is important when filming hunts IMO.