Was talking with my neighbor yesterday afternoon and showed her the riser I had shaped out of a chunk of firewood. She was impressed as she always is in my bows, anyway she has a big pile of firewood in her yard from a tree she had cut down last year and asked if I would cut a piece up to see what it looked like of course I said Hell YES:D I after picking through the pile I got a log about 24" long and 6" in diameter took it into the shop and started cutting and sanding. After an hour or so here is what I ended up with. There is still some worm holes but they will be removed on shaping. After taking it over to show her not only did she say "WOW I would never had guessed" but she also said I could have as much of it as I liked:D ain't it good to have good neighbors The wood is still to green as far as moisture content goes around 22% but I will be picking through the pile getting some and putting in the attic of the shop to dry out
Dave. Yeah it does. I forgot to mention the wood is Mulberry Already been over and grabbed some, will go back later and get some more:D