guys check out this monster i filmed on my way to work this morning. go to you tube and type in[ monster illinois suburban buck] he is a monster give me some guesses as to what you guys think he might score.
sorry wrong listing name its [ big bucks 011] and [big bucks 014] theres two check them out hes a monster for sure.
Goosebuster80 your YouTube name? The video with the 2 bucks? If so he's nice!! Hard to say on his size but he's big!!
ya richie those are some good ones, the big one with drop i think would go high 180's to low 190's he's a hog!
Ritchie hes going to be a 180"+ with those kickers. The food and water sources are great around here right now so I think hes going to grow alot more. Im also onto 2 monsters around here too that I think are in the 165"+ range.
Im gonna try to set up on them again in the morning on my way to work, and see if i can get some better video of them heading back to there bedding area. I would say hes gonna be in the 190" range by the time he starts peelin that velvet off hes a monster for sure . I really like that droptine thats awesome.
No i wont be able to hunt him, hes in a residential area that backs to a large forest preserve. But none the less its still cool to see a monster buck of this caliber, and be able to capture it on video for all to see. I think the droptine is just the icing on the cake even without it, hes still a mega buck.
them are def. monsters that for sure!! , YOu have permission to hunt that area. If you do, thats awesome, def. would get excited about that.
those bucks are awesome shed head. its amazing how big they can get with some age. i completely understand if you dont want to answer, but what county/ forest preserve did you see them in? I have 13 acres in will county that borders one of the forest preserves. That buck looks very similiar to one that i missed back in October.
pcann, that is in lake county on a private farm. I did not receive access to hunt those deer but a friend did, he also saw the deer from the stand but could never seal the deal.