Well, I finally saw and took a deer in MD. I have hunted in MD for the last two years on a great property that has a ton of deer sign and has been hunted by a friend for the last 5 years. He has shot a couple of P&Y bucks off the property including a 151" 11 point last year. I have not been as fortunate as my luck there has been pretty bad. Up until this trip I had seen only 1 deer from the stand and that deer was 200 yards out in a field. We prepared very hard this summer, running trail cameras and hanging stands and pushing closer to bedding areas to find all of their haunts. The main area we hunt is basically a huge funnel that connects two large woodlots that are separated by agriculture and horse fields. I hunted opening day in MD and despite getting in the stand by 5 a.m. for a 6:25 sunrise was buggered by another hunter coming to his stand on a quad at 6:05 and walking straight into the bedding area. My buddy has hunted it several times since then and saw one good buck that we have on trail camera that is at least 130" 8 point and another buck that he said is around the 170" mark. The first evening I hunted a corner that would cut off the deer if they left the creek bottom (the bucks have been in the creek bottom evertime they've been seen thus far) because the wind was not good for me to be anywhere else. I saw one deer and she offered numerous shots, but I was hoping the bucks would show up. The following morning I went to the same stand figuring on not seeing the bucks as they've only been seen in the evening and hoping to get a crack at a doe. Sure enough, this little gal showed up by herself. I watched her feed around me for the better part of 25 minutes and after determining that she was alone I decided I would take her if she presented a slam dunk opportunity. After a couple more minutes she came by at 13 yards, broadside, with her head behind a tree. It doesn't get much more slam dunk than that. I sent my arrow through her boiler room and she collapsed 20 yards from my stand. I actually didn't realize how small she was until I walked up on her,but she sure will taste good. On a side note, when I brought her home I was a little concerned with my son (4 years old) seeing her because my friend raises deer and my son has become fond of a little doe he has. I was worried that this one would remind him of Pumpkin and upset him. Well when he saw her he asked, "when are we gonna eat her?" A hunter is born.:D
Thanks for all the well wishes. There was a time when I would opt for a younger deer like that when she would come in with mama. Tender meat and easier dragging.:D Raceway, I definitely feel your pain. Hang in there, that monkey will lose his grip sooner or later.
Nice job. I am glad your son is ready for some backstraps. But just to be safe, don't have Pumpkin pie for dessert that night.