I saw a post Don,(HCH), made last year about doing away with a factory string suppressor. I decided to get rid of mine too. One shot in 10 would cause my string loop to turn and I just got tired of it so I took the factory stopper off, cut and rounded the roller gaurd support, sprayed it with a black rubberized coating, and added a MeanV suppressor. I then added a couple of string leeches for good measure. This thing is quiet! And like me, it looks good! Thanks Don for the tip!
I too took the factory supressor off my Marquis. What a piece of **** those things were. Cool idea with cleaning up the roller guard. Mine has a nice unsightly hole in it, I'm just too lazy to do anything about it. :D
I'll get around to taking care of mine too. Did you just use a circular saw and sander? And I have the same 2 string leeches you do by Sim's and the 2 factory ones. But I also have the Limbsavers for solid limbs and a 6" stabilizer by Sim's, can't hear anything but the arrows smoking critters.
No to the circular saw. Hacksaw and the 4" angle grinder to round it off. Then some emory cloth to smooth it and it was ready for paint.