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Mock Scrapes

Discussion in 'Bowhunt or Die® - Web Show' started by charness0001, Jul 22, 2014.

  1. Keith Mako

    Keith Mako Weekend Warrior

    Jul 10, 2014
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    Woonsocket, Rhode Island, United States
    I am going to use the pee method. I have heard of this but shrugged it off. Thought people we're pulling my chain.
  2. Justin

    Justin Administrator

    Jul 24, 2008
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    I agree these are great spots to hunt, they're just difficult to find. I've hunted quite a few properties in my day and have only happened up on a handful of good community scrapes. When you find one they're like gold!

    On another note I did start up a mock scrape this past weekend. However I didn't go all out. I simply sprayed an overhanging branch and the ground below it with some Power Scrape. I won't put a dripper there for a while yet and won't actively scrape the ground until at least late September or early October. It's on the edge of a very small oak grove (40 yards x 20 yards) that sits in the middle of a large hay field. The deer love to come out and feed across the field towards the oaks to get acorns. I'm hoping the scrape scent will cause a buck to come to this particular spot out of sheer curiosity which will bring him within bow range. Without the scrape there's really no reason for a buck to come close enough for a shot.
  3. charness0001

    charness0001 Weekend Warrior

    Mar 4, 2014
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    elizabethtown, ky
    On the land i hunt i do not see any sign that bucks leave, i read the post troy wrote and he advised to use the type of trees the deer our already using. my issue is i dont see any sign on any trees to begin with. Now i hunting on less than 15 acres and i dont even think i have any bedding areas on the land i hunt. i always have does on my trail camera everyday and some young bucks come in every few days to my mineral site. There is also no water source on this property except for a kiddie pool i added. i think they use this property more just to travel back and forth to other properties. Would this type of scenario work with adding a mock scrape? i will have a food plot for later in the season, i will plant here in a week or so but its only around 1/4 of an acre or so.
  4. charness0001

    charness0001 Weekend Warrior

    Mar 4, 2014
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    elizabethtown, ky
    i tried to put one out last week about 15 yards away from my mineral site. nothing touched it but they still were hitting the minerals. Maybe they didnt like the tree it was setup on or the area it was located.

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