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Mock Scrapes

Discussion in 'Bowhunting Talk' started by hunter6742, Feb 5, 2009.

  1. hunter6742

    hunter6742 Weekend Warrior

    Feb 4, 2009
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    In the woods, West Virginia
    I know it's not bow season but I am always thinking about it, what do you guys think about mock scrapes, i would like to here anything hints, tricks, success stories anything :cool:
  2. buckeye

    buckeye Grizzled Veteran

    Jul 24, 2008
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    The OH-IO
    This is something I posted before...I did a copy paste for you...

    My buddy Frank and I have had decent results while using Mrs. Doe Pee's Estrus Urine in real scrapes as well as mock scrape setups. I do not use these urine products very often on my hunting grounds which I believe makes them effective when I do choose to use them.

    Over use of these urine products I believe is very detrimental to ones odds of having a positive response when a buck catches the scent.

    On an existing scrape I will douse the licking branch with Estrus urine allowing it to trickle down into the scrape. I will also add some to the scrape it's self being careful to not touch anything and keep my boots out of and clear of the freshly exposed bare earth.

    On a mock setup I will find a tree branch (preferably from a mature oak or maple) with a branch approx 4-6 feet off the ground. I will then find a loose stick on the ground and use it to clear a spot approx 12"X20" directly underneath my mock licking branch. Again I douse the branch in the Estrus urine and allow it to drip down onto the exposed dirt. Again, I will add some extra urine to the ground as well.

    That's it. It is that simple.

    Here are photo's of a few bucks that were taken that either committed to a real scrape doctored with urine or a mock setup by either Frank or I, these are all public land bucks.

    I am not one to use these product's very often, but by using them smart and sparingly they have worked for me. However, Frank uses urine products MUCH more than I. This is one area we do not see eye to eye on.

    Frank's public land.


    Frank's public land.


    Mine public land.


    Mine public land.

  3. hunter6742

    hunter6742 Weekend Warrior

    Feb 4, 2009
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    In the woods, West Virginia
    Thanks for the pointers, i am defiantly trying it this year, those are some nice bucks to.
  4. Buck Magnet

    Buck Magnet Die Hard Bowhunter

    Jul 24, 2008
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    Indiana, PA
    I have setup a few over the years and have only really ever had one really get alot of use. There is alot more that goes into making a mock scrape than just picking a spot and scrapping the ground and pouring urine in it.

    1. Scent control is key, this means rubber boots, full scent killer spray down, rubber gloves, ect. The reason that deer are visiting is smell so they take notice of anything odd very quickly.

    2. Overhanging branch, definetly a must have. I have also found that it is best to get every bit of leaves and small twigs off the branch, make it look like it has been used.

    3. Placement is key, and this is the part that I struggle with. I have been taking note of areas where natural scrapes pop up and I have started to get a feel for where to set up a mock scrape. Of course, high traffic areas are the place to start, but I have found that transition zones between between food/bedding/stagging/travel areas are the best, and even then there is no guarentee that it will work.

    4. You gotta have the bucks in that area within a relative short time of you setting it up before it goes inactive.

    5. Set them up early, its probablly best to set them up right before the natural scrapes start popping up. I plan on keeping a log of when the scrapes really start showing this year so that next year I have a better idea of when to start my scrapes.

    6. I am not sure if it really helps or not, but I have heard and tried to make a rub near my scrape just to help with a visual aid to attract deer to the area.

    7. More isn't always better, don't go pouring a half gallon of deer piss in the scrape, a small amount will work.
  5. buckeye

    buckeye Grizzled Veteran

    Jul 24, 2008
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    The OH-IO
    I tend to always avoid high traffic areas.... High traffic areas usually (in my experiences) are favored by does and young bucks. These are not my target animals, so I stay clear of this type of setup with any mock scrapes that I implement.
  6. Buck Magnet

    Buck Magnet Die Hard Bowhunter

    Jul 24, 2008
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    Indiana, PA
    Good point Scott, I guess alot depends on the area. For instance, one mock scrape my buddy and I set-up last year was on a shelf below a patch of pines and above a thick creek bottom. The area had alot of sign and the cameras revealed that it was mostly does and young bucks. The most active scrape we have made, the one I mentioned above, was made where a point of the woodline jetted out into a soybean field. Lots of sign from deer and we got alot of older bucks hitting the scrape, mostly at night though.
  7. buckeye

    buckeye Grizzled Veteran

    Jul 24, 2008
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    The OH-IO
    That's the key right there brother. I believe if one is to make a mock scrape for hunting purposes rather than just for game camera inventory... You must put it in a position that the older bucks (3.5+) want to visit during daylight hours. This is usually areas devoid of does and young bucks until you are at least into the first few days of November.
  8. Buck Magnet

    Buck Magnet Die Hard Bowhunter

    Jul 24, 2008
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    Indiana, PA
    Thanks for the tips Scott, like I said, I still have alot to learn in that department. I have several areas that I think should fit the bill this season and I'll let you know how they work out for me, I may have more questions this fall.
  9. stikbow26

    stikbow26 Die Hard Bowhunter

    Jul 26, 2008
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    I killed this buck in Michigan on stateland a few years back while hunting over a mock scrape. This is my little secret when it comes to mock scrapes I will find a real scrape in a different area and cut the licking branch from it but make sure you are useing rubber gloves to not leave any scent on it and then tie the licking branch over the mock scrape and the bucks in the area think they have a bunch of new bucks invading there terf and start useing it.. Walt
  10. hunter6742

    hunter6742 Weekend Warrior

    Feb 4, 2009
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    In the woods, West Virginia
    Thanks for the tips everybody and that is an awesome buck

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