I was just reading Justin's blog regarding mock scrapes in August. Have any of you other guys implored this tactic during the early season and had success with it? My season opens soon in MN and I am thinking about giving this a try at couple spots. Thanks.
After the first week there were a few tracks in my scrapes, but nothing major. I talked to Mike earlier this week and his are starting to see some additional activity now. Unfortunately the batteries in my cam died and I won't have an opportunity to get back up and replace them until early next week. I'm going to detail the progress/photos in my blog as the season progresses. Keep in mind though, I'm not setting these up to hunt over them now. I'm planning on hunting close to them in about 3 weeks, and depending on their success hunting over then in about 5. Right now I'm just getting them started in areas that bucks don't normally stick around too late into October, trying to alter their movement just enough to give me a shot.
I'll be getting some peed on dirt from my BILs deer farm and starting one up this weekend. I'll also add some of the same dirt to an existing scrape or 2.
I have great luck with early season scrapes. It's a little-known secret, but I use Head & Shoulders shampoo in my scrapes, when I first open them up. Scientifically, there's method behind the madness, because Head and Shoulders has special Dander-Controlling properties built into the chemical makeup. It retains the scent of animal dander, which attracts deer from all over. Highly recommended.
I started a couple this weekend over camera sites. What's funny, is the one spot we were setting up on, the camera had already been there for a few weeks. We actually got several pics of a buck working a licking branch in the same spot we had planned to setup on. I'm willing to bet these scrape sites will produce some good pics by time we pull the cards again next year.
i have been using that Tinks mock scrape stuff in different areas...not sure whether there working or not..ill check and see soon if they have messed with at all..when i check my cameras tonight or tomorrow..
RJ, I've saw bucks check out the licking branches even when the rut Isn't going on (summer months and winter months). Justin, You've got my Interest some with these early season mock scrapes, never heard of anyone doing that this early. Looking forward to what happens.
Im very interested in this myself. I have a Stealth cam that needs to go out TODAY, and i dont have anywhere in particular that i want to try. A mock scrape would be perfect...any cons to doing this?
I've done this quite a few times this early. They seem to respond differently in different areas. It seems to be a very social thing this time of year, more than a breeding/territorial thing like in late Oct and Nov. Like you have seen with licking branches, I've seen deer scrape in places year round as well, I had one year round community scrape on my property that was open for several years. They don't seem to use it as much now though. When you start a mock scrape this early, even if they don't start scraping there, they will usually come to inspect and check things out and give you a few good pics. I've even done it by opening a scrape, and dumping vanilla extract into it, they seem to check it out for curiosity sake it seems.
I was always under the Impression too that It's more of a social thing when the rut Isn't going on. Good Info RJ.
I am an early season mock scrapin junky. Been doing it for years, killed several big bucks over they years before the rut even kicks in and these mocks have contributed to pulling big bucks out of their daytime beds for daylight visits. The key is where you put them in relation to bedding areas and using the winds to send that scent to a big buck. Finally only hunting them when the winds are working right for you to slip in and catch him using the scrape with the wind in your favor. Since I started using trail cameras I have been amazed at how many deer and even elk check my mock scrapes daily. The scrapes that really work well are all about 1. Location, second not getting any human odor involved. I have about 500 pix this summer of bucks and even several elk hitting my licking branches and checking scrapes. Big buck I missed opening day marched right in downwind of my scrape to check it out. I only will use synthetic scents since they dont rot or smell inconsistent with what real deer urine does as it breaks down while on the earths surface versus in an air tight bottle. Not to mention you have to deal with feces and other protein based odors found in bottled urine. I can not wait to check my latest rounds of NEW mocks I put last week on a particular buck I am trying to elicit daylight movement from. Good luck, early season mocks or overmarking in the right spots (usually tight to a know bucks bedding area) can really work to a early season hunters advantage. I also always apply Synthetic forehead gland scent to all licking branches, I have multiple bucks hitting my licking branches right now almost daily on trail cams.
Now I wanna try this. What other scents and such do you use, and what brands. I am really new to the whole mock scrape thing, and wanna try it, but wanna do it right. Thanks