For those of you that make mock scrapes. Why not just doctor up an existing scrape? Afterall the bucks should aready know where these are and still believe there is an intruder. They made them there for a reason so I'd think they would feel comfortable coming to them. Do you believe hunting a mock scrape is more productive then hunting a real one? If a buck freshens a mock scrape does it then become a real one? This question might sound silly but if you think about it it fits in with the first question. If you pretend to be the king of archery are you mocking? Not related to the above topic but the voices in my head wanted to know.
That's like seconds, someone else has already worked it up I new scrape is like a new chick in HS, everyone wants to meet the new chick:D That is a good point
Magic, This year i tried 2 different methods. The first one was to freshen up existing scrapes from previous years on my one property. I have a scrape that i call the "Super Scrape" because i get mature buck pictures every year on it (2006-2008). I put my stealth cam over that set. My second method was to create a line of scrapes on a different property, all brand new ones. I used a conglomeration of scents on each one to get a response. So far no mature buck have shown up, but i am getting a TON of doe traffic on them.
My reasoning was to try and get a buck to visit an area he wouldn't normally visit during daylight hours. In this particular case, a small woodlot not known for being a buck bedding area. So essentially the thought process was to introduce another buck's scent and markings in the area where the target buck(s) pass through or visit, causing them to check the area more frequently looking for the intruder. IMO that's probably the best use for a brand new mock scrape setup. If I was just looking to attract bucks or get photos of them, I'd probably be better off using an existing community scrape. Tomorrow morning I'll be hunting over my mock scrape. We'll see if anything shows up.