Awesome Buck Steve, as patient as you are when it comes to drawing your bow on bucks especially with traditional equipment I hope you get a chance at that slob. I would say 150's for sure. Looks to be wide too. Awesome! Awesome!
When they start rubbing around your mocks, overmark those rubs with your forehead gland scent.. you wanna see a buck get nasty with a tree.
Wow Steve, man you weren't kidding on the phone. He's very impressive. The very best of luck brother! ! ! !
Is that snow? BTW NICE buck, holy cow! My shipment of BF synthetics is due to arrive anyday. They were out of the Rut formula
I was planning on going out hunting this morning for the 1st time this year In another spot but couldn't, bad wind. To top that off I had wood stove troubles (outside wood boiler) some time through out the night so I'm working on that right now and waiting for parts. I was planning on going out and throwing a stand up on this mock scrape, time will tell now If I can get that done today and hunt It. The thing Is, the wind Is coming from the SE and that's perfect for me In this stand. My guess Is this buck Is either bedding SE or SW of me. If there Isn't one thing going wrong It's another as of late In my household. Here's exactly where I am. The black outline In the 2nd picture Is the property lines. The red dot In both pictures Is where the mock scrape Is. The black dot In both pictures Is where I'll be putting a stand up (20 yards or so NNW of the scrape). The brown circles In the 2nd picture are where I think he's possibly bedding.
Quick question Steve.... obviously it works well if the buck is downwind of the scrape for him to pick up the scent(s) and to come investigate it, as per Troy's suggestion. At the same time, however, does it give cause for concern that he'll pick up the mock-scrape scent AND you?
Exactly Greg. The thing Is, he now knows It's here which In part I don't think the wind has to be going towards him to check It which In turn helps me (I think). I wouldn't dare hunt this stand with a N, NE, NW wind.
Steve I agree with you, that he now knows it's there, but wouldn't a wise old buck scent check it first from a distance? Just something to think about, I know nothing about scrapes.