Steve pull up your weather from the 11th when he showed up at 10:30 am, See if you can backtrack the wind direction that buck used that day to come into that scrape, that should be interesting. Not that he wont come to it on other winds but it may indicate where his bedding area direction is ..... and it may indicate the wind he likes to come through there. Older bucks are funny that way, not they they wont walk without the wind but HE has to smell that scent to want to come to it.. I would think at 10:30 this time of year he was most likely bedded and picked up that smell.. maybe not but your bucks aren't cruising much this early are they? Yeah a simple dripper like H.S. drippers work great as long as its not too cold every night! They are insulated but they still freeze when the temps dip down in the 20s. Way to go, bud you hit the jackpot in just one major move, good idea on putting out 3 at a time too just to up your odds on locating the right spot. Man I hope you get a crack at this buck, best of luck bud. Gotta be exciting for you. I'd throw that dripper in when you hang that stand. wear latex gloves on that dripper, and spray that dripper down on its exterior ..douse the exterior of the h.s. dripper, its cloth/insulation and holds a lot of scent like a wick it with forehead gland scent, and of course fill it with urine! Rough that dirt up with a long stick too! Good luck!
I don't see a 125" 8 pointer blowing up into THAT. I guess it could be possible, but if he was 3.5 8 pointer, I think he would be a bigger 8 point at 4.5. Maybe throw on a sticker but this deer is a stud 10 point with a sticker. I'm calling different deer.
I think that is freakin awesome, what a buck that is! Best of luck getting on him Steve, I bet you will.
Good lord Steve, what a slob. Are you sure you want to waste your only tag on him though. Season is along way from over:D
Anything Is possible John and you might be right but he's definitely got the exact same characteristics as most of the bigger bucks In my woods have. Just curious, what you think he scores then?
Steve is your camera up high angled down ? thats quite the angle.. gross, gosh steve hes gotta be pushing mid 140s.. maybe grossing close to 150 ... ??? Hes got to be 65 inches a side.. thats 130 without a spread.
Steve!! Now how can you say the MN DNR isnt doing a good job when you have bucks like this around?? Go get him fella!!
Troy turned him on to the secret sauce! Steve I tried to buy some of that over the internet recently and they told me that some guy from Minnesota had cleaned them out! I have some mock scrapes going.I went in to put a different ratchet strap on a stand a couple of days ago and my mock was worked and there were new rubs all over the place. I have been researching mock scrapes a lot and am committed to really working toward perfecting their use. Steve that is a great buck! I wish you good luck putting him on the ground!