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MN Turkey Topic

Discussion in 'Bowhunting Talk' started by MNKK, Mar 11, 2009.

  1. MNKK

    MNKK Die Hard Bowhunter

    Oct 21, 2008
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    Raleigh, NC
    Have any of you guys hunted Whitewater?
    I know they have 43 surplus tags left for season B, for the area of 346, and I am not sure, but from what i am reading, 346 is split to the right side of the Main Branch Unit?

    Can anyone verify this? I hear they have quite a few birds in that area? I may have to take this for what it is worth, and try to get one of those tags. If I can't get one of the 7 for later dates of the private land that I have permission on.

    I have been out, looking around the Carlos Avery WMA, but I can NOT locate any signs of birds up there. It looks like a wasteland in certain areas, due to the fire in '00. My uncle goes down there to Whitewater, every year, deer hunting. I will probably stop in to talk to him sometime this week. He is pretty busy, since he was diagnosed with cancer about a month ago though.
  2. MNpurple

    MNpurple Die Hard Bowhunter

    Feb 20, 2009
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    It would be best to get ahold of someone in the Rochester wildlife office to give you an accurate idea of where the 346 boundary is. I am also hunting 346B, except down towards Houston. IMO it is one of the best turkey areas in the state, and being it is the 2nd season, there will have been little pressure on the birds. THe last two winters here have been tough but there is still a ton of birds compared to many areas of the state. TO be honest I was shocked to see 346 still had permits available for B, must be because there is no weekend. Good luck to you.
  3. MNKK

    MNKK Die Hard Bowhunter

    Oct 21, 2008
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    Raleigh, NC
    By 346B, you mean the season B, right? I'm not missing that there is two parts to 346?
    Sorry, probably a dumb question. I'm still very sketchy on certain MN things. I used to understand a lot, but since I left for a while, I just don't want to make any mistakes that could cost me.

    This is the map that I was going off of.

    Are you on private land then?
  4. MNpurple

    MNpurple Die Hard Bowhunter

    Feb 20, 2009
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    Yep, I mean season B, April 20-24. That map just doesnt give enough detail to tell you where in the WMA the boundary is. Here are two numbers you could try calling for the Whitewater WMA: 507-932-4133, 507-453-2950. Either should be able to help you or direct you with a better map

    I would highly recommend that you are in line and ready to go before the surplus tags go on sale as I would expect the 346 tags to go rather quickly. THis is the first year I think I have seen any leftover tags in season A-D. Yes, I am on a private family farm. Good luck to you. I have never hunted the whitewater WMA but have heard good things about it for deer and turkeys
  5. MNKK

    MNKK Die Hard Bowhunter

    Oct 21, 2008
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    Raleigh, NC
    This may have to be my first try. Although, I really am unsure about which one to try for. I know there are birds on the private land up where we deer hunt, but this area 346 is pretty promising... choices choices... lol.

    As far as the licenses go, I can go to the sportsmans guide across the street for this right? Or do I need to be going down to the DNR building? It says any ELS center?

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