My wife and I are considering re-locating from southern MN, to the Nashville,TN area. Can anyone give me any insight of the hunting area around Nashville? Would I be better off NE for example? Appreciate and insight anyone has. Marrige is all about compromises.
The farther west you go in TN the better off you are. I live right outside Bristol. It's more mountainous, with hardly any agriculture (for the most part). The further west you go, the flatter it gets and the more agriculture you'll find. There is some pretty darn good hunting in middle/west Tennessee. Is it Illinois or Iowa, no, but there are some good deer. One of my buddies has a lease in Clarksville, they kill a lot of good deer down there.
I live in GA just outside of TN and do a lot of hunting there. I like an area in Winchester, TN and there are a couple of nice places in Manchester as well. There's some good WMAs within driving distance of Nashville.
Nashville is 1 hour south of me on I65. There is a decent sized chunk of public land on the North side between us, but being near a major city such as Nashville, I am sure it sees its fair share. Matt hit it on the head with, the farther west the better...which is really common sense when you look at the big picture..river bottoms will always be better, and the farther west you go, you approach the biggest river in the Country. I hunt a friends family farm near Jackson, about halfway from Nashville to Memphis...I was SHOCKED at the number of deer, and the turkey were there as well. You could always head over to LBL by the Kentucky Lake and Lake Barkley...more land than you will ever know what to do with. I think living in Nashville, the farther you are willing to drive...the easier access will be...Nashville has a LOT of people. You will be surrounded by great turkey hunting, and in good deer numbers. A respectable buck is achievable ANYWHERE, just don't be holding out for a booner down there.