Got out Saturday morning. Saw a doe still with her fawn right away at first light. About 20 minutes later I had two fawns hang around my stand for about 45 mintues; no mom in sight. Passed a small 8. Followed my evercalm path across the corn field. Hung around my stand for about 20 minutes. He had his head on the ground and grunting the entire time. My #1 has been MIA since July and he showed back up on camera 8pm a few nights ago. Have another shooter on that same camera at 6pm Friday night. I haven't hunted that stand yet and plan is to on Wednesday.
went out saturday and sunday; had 2 cams up since Sept 29th, had some mature deer on until mid October, then they disappeared. only had a couple pics of does after the snow. the wind was horrible for me this weekend, calm and swirling. saw a bobcat saturday night, doe scented me that i couldnt see. sunday i had a lone fawn eat about 60yds away--maybe a buck already chased the doe off?- also saw a doe walking a ridgeline about 150yds away, i thought maybe a buck would have been pushing her. did see some scraping activity and one buck pushing a doe in a field last night... this coming weekend should be great, cooler temps and snow a'comin my bow season is pretty much done now already, may get out close to the city for a doe if I dont get anything after the gun season...
Saw 4 bucks, 2 does and a fawn yesterday morning. All too small. Last night I saw one yearling doe and two bucks - both shooters. Watched one of the bucks run up and down some CRP for about 15 minutes with his nose on the ground the whole time. 20 more minutes of day light and I am pretty sure he would have worked right down the fenceline I was on like I was expecting him to. So close. That same buck was harassing a doe on Monday in front of my camera from 9am-2pm. Really hoping to get out tomorrow morning one last time before slug opener.
Sat Saturday morning and evening. Didn't see a deer on either sit. My dad slug hunts when he's got the time and passed two small bucks Saturday morning. Saturday night he saw the biggest deer he said he's seen. Where he likes to sit he's about 20 yards from a 40' cliff. Somehow the deer got in between him and the drop off before he saw it. It was really windy so he couldn't hear it coming. He was pretty upset but didn't want to take the running shot as he was turning around.
dang, you must be hunting the driftless area? sometime after the snowfall early saturday morning, the bucks were tearing up the ground with fresh scrapes. going back this coming weekend, did get a yearling 5pt last sunday night following a doe
Getting home a day early from my new england trip going to be up in the stand tomorrow, come on bucks.