How the hell do you fight with no hands or feet? If he kicked my ass on pay per view....I'd go home and size myself up for a noose.:d
Well it certainly was not mma but in High School we had a wrestler who only had 1 arm. No legs and no left arm, His name was John and he rode around sitting on a skateboard. He could get that board flying so fast he looked like the Duke Brothers from Hazzard county. I kid you not. People were wondering how he would wrestle and I will say that there was nothing to grab on to when you wrestled him he would just spin out of it. Almost impossible to pin. The one arm he did have was like a gorilla arm. No one in the school could beat him at arm wrestling he was soo strong. He did well but it certainly wasn't MMA where you get punched or kicked. IDk I envy him and think he is entitled to his dream. It's inspirational and wish him the best.
well, as a fighter and a fan. i have mixed feelings on this. like tribal said, it's his dream. so i say give him a shot. i would hate to keep someone from wanting to live their dream on the other hand, i REALLY do not see how he can be competitive. he was a successful highschool wrestler, and has done good at submission grappling. but this isn't bjj or wrestling, it's MMA -much more dangerous. guess best thing to do is wish him luck and hope he doesnt get hurt. and who knows, maybe he will be able to avoid striking and get his opponent down and go for the submission. here he is choking someone out.
How... if your an opponent.... fight him with intentions to win? I mean, I know the last thing he would want you to do is let him win.. but still. I dont know... I wish him the best in pursuing his dream.
I can tell you MMA fighters don't care if he has no arms no legs or no eyes. They are going in with the intentions of winning by any means necassary. I just don't see how he can fully defend his face. It is odd but no one knows better than that young man. I would think someone has worked with and trained with him enough to know that he would be competitive and not just a punching bag.
Kyle lost a decision. couldn't get the take down. his opponent didn't do much but jab and evade. got some rights and hooks in. here is a 3min vid of the first round.
You know what, god bless his heart it's obviously as big planet earth but after viewing that there is no way he could be effective MMA fighter. If his opponent had actually been agressive I don't see how he could defend without taking some serious shots. It would be legal to kick right? Wow just wow but I think he should stick with maybe managing and sparring get into the buisness he loves that way. If he doesn't I don't see a very successful career.
I agree. his opponent could have kicked him in the body, but not the head. against a better opponent i think he would have been in big trouble. the guy they picked to fight him had a 0-2 record going in to this fight.
No, it wouldnt be legal for a head kick from what I understand, Kyle would be considered "down" at all times. But yeh Kudos to the guys heart, Its huge. But if that guy would have thrown a flurry of punches... there's no way.