I just scored a mission UX2 for my wife,she was shooting a parker buckshot, and wanted something faster, so we can into the UX2 and she loves it, she was shooting tight groups in the third round of adjustments .. it is pretty quick too! im gonna just keep sneaking up the poundage on her as she continues to shoot. A+ for a affordable , quick, entry level bow!
I hope I didnt buy a girls bow! Just kidding, but the truth is I did just put one on lay away at my local shop. I am brand new to bow hunting and I really liked the way it shot and felt in my hand. The shop owner said it would be a good entry bow for me. I cant wait to get it!
Well we have it all tuned in and sited in, she is shooting really good with it, my buddy has one and he just got into it,and is also shooting really well,let me know how you like it!
what drop away would you reccomend on this bow,, im in the UK and like the look of this bow,,but were not too well up on drop away,s,,, everyones using whisker biscuits,but i want to go with a dropper, any info welcome