How dry does it need to be, before putting my minerals out? I use a homemade recipe that I just work loosley into the soil... but with all of this rain, I cant get anything done...
You don't think all of the minerals will just wash away? Thats what I was afraid of, and I know I need to get it out pretty soon, like yesterday.
Just put them on a little higher ground so they don't get swawped out... The whole idea is for the minerals to dissolve into the soil so wet soil is not a bad thing.
Obviously a heavy downpour isnt good but a slow soaking rain is great. It takes a good amount of water to dissolve 10 or 20 lbs of salt mixture
Rain is not a problem, it is your friend. You're fine unless it is clay soil and there is not much "illuviation", fancy word for minerals and nutrients dissolving down into the soil. Otherwise yea, some of it could wash away, but most forest soils have a lot of organic material on the top layer. I like time release blocks of deer cain for brand new mineral sites, along with homebrew minerals. Like others said, raking it in is a good idea too. Have fun, post some pics if you put a cam over it.
Actually read an article that suggests deer prefer to use the mineral after it has been watered down considerably.
i wish i could get some wetter soil here. its been for the most part dry when i use my powed mineral i just mix it in water before hand and make it into a i dont really rely on the rain just soaks in right away.
I put down a couple bags 2 years ago and they still are digging at it. They got a hole dug that you wouldnt believe. I also put a block on a stump and they ate the stump. We cant use it anymore. The rain will get it into the ground and the deer will dig it up. No worries.