At the Illinois deer classic this year I met a man named Mike McCabe. He runs a major hunting TV show, and is as avid a hunter as any man... His enthusiasm was addicting as he told me Andrea, and Jarrod stories about his hunts. . One of the nights after the Show we went down to the Cracker barrel restaurant and ended up sitting right next to mike. He was quite the upstanding person who could tell stories like no other... The next day he gave me a couple of his DVD's and wished us luck in our venture... That was in January. Adam Hayes just sent me the terrible news and video that Mike has fallen from a treestand in Canada spring bear hunting and has been paralyzed from the waist down. We wish Mike and his family our hopes and prayers that he can overcome this tragedy and recover. ALWAYS WEAR A HARNESS... This is the 3rd person in the last year that I know that has been severally injured in a treestand fall. Adam Hayes... Quote: To all my fellow hunting friends, this is a perfect example of why I preach to you all about wearing a safety harness while in a tree stand, it is very simple to forget about it. I have in many cases left it at home and went back to get it or hunted from the ground because I forgot it. A friend of mine has put this video together at the request of Mike McCabe and his family so that it might make a difference in your approach to safety. It is a short video on what happened to him this Spring in Saskatchewan while Filming a Bear hunt for Sportsman of North America. The video is about 5 minutes long and has a little footage from the accident as well as Mike telling the story after he was finally able to come home. In the video Mike is very positive and makes it clear that he intends to keep bow hunting and was heading to Atlanta to start his physical therapy. Sadly, after reaching Atlanta he has had numerous medical setbacks and two operations since he has been there and continues to struggle. There is info at the end of the video as to how to donate to help with the astronomical medical costs. If you can help, please do so, if you can't please pass this information on to anyone who might be able to help. Archery Clubs, Hunting clubs that might be able to put together a fundraiser would be great places to start. Please keep this thread at the top as often as possible for a worthy cause. Remember "There but for the grace of God go I". Thank you for your time. PS: If anyone is looking for another way to donate such as hunts to auction off or other gear please PM me and I will put you in touch with the appropriate people. Thanks again and please be careful this season.
Thanks for posting this Dan. If only we could get everyone to read about events like this; I'm still blown away when I hear about people who don't use harnesses -- and especially those who seemingly brag about it like it's a badge of honor.
Tragic story. I wish him the best with his continued recovery. Sure hope he can back in the woods. WEAR THOSE SAFETY HARNESSES!!!:evil:
We'll pray for him and his family. For the record I have fallen out once while hanging a stand and walked away with nothing more than a few bruises. The next time I hunted I had a harness. I also fell out of a ladder stand while setting it up but a harness would have been no use.
Yep scary stuff right there, It only takes a second to fall and it only takes a second to hook up, Come on guys and gals You all have someone you owe it to!! HOOK UP... Prayers going out to Mike and his family!! Walt
I hear ya, that to bad! I ALWAYS wear my harness now matter if I'm just trimming branches! You may not get a second chance!!!!!!!
That is terrible to hear. I was on a rescue squad & we were called for a guy that shot a really large buck & walked right off his stand with out thinking of it. He too ended up paralyzed. That was convincing enough for me. I always wear a harness while in that stand. Alot of people don't realize that twice your height can be fatal. I hope that story you posted gets the message across & someone saves their own life.
I love my famiiy too much to not wear one. I bought a new ladder stand yesterday so I have another to give away.