I have been thinking about which one is the most conducive for bowhunting. here in the south we pretty much are over run by deer..Va has over 1 mil deer..In my area we can kill does from Oct to Jan all bow, ML, and shotgun season, with no limit on does and we get 3 bucks...sounds great right?? It is, however, where I hunt in the southeastern part of the state, it very thick and mostly flat, cutovers, pines and swamps. It's really hard to pattern deer at times where I am b/c of the terrain is the same for hundreds of acers even miles...but Im trying my best to kill a mature buck...the midwest "seems" to me to be much easier to hunt as far as the terrain....seems more conducive for bowhunting...is this correct? or am I so far off it's not funny...I DID NOT SAY IT WAS EASY TO KILL BIG BUCKS OUT THERE!!!! Im saying it looks easier to hunt and pattern deer...
It probably depends on where in the mid-west that you are talking about? Just MN alone has varying types of terrain in different areas of the state...flat prairies...big woods...rolling hills...swamp land...agriculture...etc Our neighbors to the West...ND and SD...have entirely different terrian than MN.