That's it...I'm moving to Michigan !!! :D:D:D LOL, Germ....that does kinda look like you :p All I can say is....whatever the true story is or ends up being, that is one BIG hanging pole!!! Even if it had no deer on it...them boys were expecting something big to happen. LOL Must be a pile of nice deer there regardless, heck you probably couldn't even do that in IL or IA :D
Looks like they've been doing this for sometime, why else would you need such a significant meat pole?
For anyone interested there is some more info in this thread including one of the so called poachers giving an explanation of what actually took place. No deer confiscated, no deer illegally harvested / tagged, 10 citations written for not immediately tagging deer and even those hunters had legitimate tags.;62396 Crazy how that story took on a life of it's own, delayed tagging of deer does not equal poaching.
Well that depends, LOL If they were going to tagged them They just got caught, and for the record my own father has been caught twice with "delayed" tagging of deer, and he had no intention of tagging either of them.
I agree with Germ. Not sure what happens in other parts of the country, but in MI, it is not uncommon to buy a tag with no intentions of actually tagging a deer. This way guys can continue to hunt. If they get caught, they just say they forgot to tag it or was just about to. Sometimes its an honest mistake, but around here, the majority of the time its a game plan.
Here is the thread where I got the information from in my earlier post. I didn't want to post a link to another forum on this one, but what the heck. It has a more detailed story on it and comments from one of the guy's from the group that brought the extra hunters in & sat with the hunters to point out which bucks that were OK to shoot. It also has the pic Germ posted. Definately standard practice for many here in Michigan, but I can see how they would be a more concerned with getting the deer out of the woods and not "wasting" time on tagging all the deer right away when they didn't think the DNR would be showing up on an island with no public land 18 miles out in lake Michigan. I'm not saying it's OK, I'm just saying I can see how it might have been legit. Who knows? Either way, I would like to hunt that island.
By the way, that link I posted above also shows a pic of the same buck pole from a few years back that has bigger bucks on it. Like I mentioned, the more recent pic was a cull hunt.
OK, I take back what I said earlier about bucks not growning big racks everywhere....I was wrong in this instance.
Like SLAYER said, there's a story on, I think it stated that 10 tickets were issued for untagged deer. They had tags for the deer, they just weren't ON the deer.
Here is what DNR had to say.