Anyone in contact with him? Seems unusual that he don't have at least 1 big boy down by now. Did I miss something? Hope all is well.
I know he was planning on hunting the ND opener about a month ago....I guess he must have struck out this time? That's where he killed his slammer last year.
He was behind the camera this time for an eleventh hour slammer... Like a lot of us, he's on some but hasn't had the chance to seal the deal yet. I'm headed to his house next weekend to hunt with him a few days... I'll pass along your concerns.
He filmed Skyler there this year and they finally got the job done on like day 11. Must be nice to hunt whenever you want!:D
We talk once in awhile, Talked with him last week. He is very busy now, he is a working man now :D He will get one down soon! He did say he was seeing ALOT of big bucks!!
Hey Guys, Hope all is well! Like a lot of guys have said I have been busy hunting and working and studying for my real estate license. As some of the guys have said, i did go back to North Dakota again this year and Skyler and I finally got it done on the last day! The hunting was tough, but we got aggressive on the last day and snuck up on a great mature buck. It was a hunt i wont soon forget! The season here in Missouri has been fairly slow so far. I did have one opportunity in September though. I had a 140" 4 year old 8pt come in with a GIANT 150-160" 3 year old that I call Junior. Junior walked by the ground blind at about 45 yards and I let him go. The 8 was out a little further and wasn't getting any closer. We were hunting from the ground in a makeshift hay bail blind that i had built a couple days earlier after seeing them spar in the field. I drew my bow and rose up a little to shoot. When i did some does saw me and blew making the 8 nervous and when i shot he dropped like crazy. The arrow just barely nicked the top of his back and he ran the other way. I couldn't believe how much he dropped! Anyway, other than that we haven't had a whole lot of luck with mature bucks. Seen a couple nice 3 year olds but thats about it. Lately we have been shooting does like crazy! We have killed 7 off my farm in the past week or so and plan to continue shooting some more does this week and weekend. The deer are destroying my whitetail institute wintergreens fooplot right now. I even managed to take my girlfriend out a couple times this year trying to get her first deer with a bow. I am starting to get more pictures of mature bucks moving, but still after shooting light. It won't be long before they start acting stupid! I will be headed to Iowa at the end of the month to chase after some giants that we have been getting on trail camera. Greg is coming in town this weekend to do a little hunting. I don't know if we will be on the bucks, but we will certainly see some deer and hopefully kill some slicks! Sorry its been so long. Check for regular updates from myself and some of the other guys! Here are some pics from this season so far! Skyler's dad's North Dakota Buck Skyler's ND Buck A couple of does I shot in late September Skyler and a doe he killed Shawn and a couple of does shot of my farm My girlfriend Bridget on her first hunt of the year Skyler's Fiance's first deer with a bow
Great pix Mike, best of luck the remainder of the season! How did I a guy like you get such a cute GF! LOL jking.. have a good one!
I just hope to God that 3 1/2-year old 160"er doesn't walk by and stop broadside at 20 yards... or everyone's gonna hear me scream all the way from your place! :D
Chances are we probably won't be hunting where he is. There is supposed to be a North wind on Saturday and Sunday and we need a South wind to hunt where he is, so i think your safe