Wow, that is some crazy stuff right there. I wouldn't be heading into the woods without my two buddies, Smith and Wesson. :d I have never came across anything like that while out hunting, about the worst thing I have seen is empty beer cans and used "protection" wrappers
This is also a prime reason why the DNR should never try to tell someone they can't carry a gun while bowhunting.You have a RIGHT to protect yourself.
I've seen a little bit, but fortunately nothing like that. I did come across a 160 acre patch of marijuana :d and I left ALL of it there.
Be careful out there brother, especially if you start finding lp tanks where the nozzle has turned blue. The tank will more than likely have anhydrous ammonia in it. It's nasty stuff and replaces oxygen. The last thing you want to run into out there is a couple of hinky dopers making up some more of their stuff.
Ohh man. I can not see doing that in the woods. One false move and a stick or something could end up where you really don't want it! Imagine the slivers you could end up with?!? Wow!
The other important thing to know about propane fittings turning blue. That is the indicator that anhydrous is in the tank and it eats away the wall of the tank which makes is susceptible to failure. Hence, leave it alone. They've also been know to use fire extinguishers or any other pressurized vessel. Be also aware that they will often booby trap their areas w/IEDs.
It's truely sad that low lifes like this have nothing better to do than ruin there own and others lives. I'm also glad I read this thread because I've learned from it...Thanks in da woods and others...
wow, i ahve never seen that stuff. i heard that if they "cook" it in your neighborhood you can smell it... what a mess!
I live in the largest Meth state of Missouri. I went to school in Maryville, Mo for college and while there I took a job in the summer for Energizer. They didn't even drug test there so you can imagine all the meth heads working and leaving the plant with the lithium batteries everyday. It was pretty bad. It is just a downright dirty, disgusting, dangerous drug.
That is some amazing stuff! I can't imagine regularly running in to that.I do agree with others that being able to carry a pistol during bow season should be legal for the purpose of self defense.Coming on to some whacked out crazed dude with just a bow in your hands isn't an ideal situation. I have come across pot plants on a number of occaisions and in one instance plants where the person was running a hose from a mountain spring for irrigation,very mellow stuff relative to what you have come across.
I will do that buddy I HAVE had some moonshine before, it was killer!!! Drank it out of a baby food jar :d
Dink if you want, Jerrod and I will come in and make it safe in your woods for you. You need to pack while you are out there. You big sissy! Tell Beth I want my eggs scrambled, my bacon crisp and my coffee black for turkey season. >>>Ka-Tow<<<
Before you decide to use Meth please check out this site. It shows before and after pics of people who use meth. That should scare anyone straight. Parents, show your kids these pics!
Its about time you came over here punk!!! :d Bring little brother with ya, we will clean house. Magic, i have seen that before, Man, that stuff is BAD!!!