Good to hear Dan! Hell ya might of even made a buddy out of the situation, never hurts to be buds with the local CO anyway.
Dan glad you didn't just start cleaning that crap up it can be real dangerous some of those chem's can even explode!!! Smart move staying on it and getting the DNR to help.. Walt
Hey was that anywhere near the pics you posted a couple of weeks ago with the painted rocks and wood?
Dan, Glad to hear the authorities got involved. It almost restored my faith in them... almost. "Someone order a keg of beer?" "Yeah, my dad did, but he's asleep right now(gulp)."
another update....just went out with my two boys shedin again after they got home from school. We swung by there again on the way home, the crime lab, warden and sherriff were there, and had everything piled up at the gate and going through it. There was way way more than original thought. They combed through the leaves in the valleys and found ALOT more stuff hidden under the leaves. They were trying to lift finger prints when i was talking to them. One of the bottles they found had exploded at one time. They thanked me for calling them and the warden gave me his personal card with his cell # on it incase anymore activity is seen. Ben/Pa :d Yeah if he goes to the gym then we will get along just fine JIM 1966 who ask if it was near the rock pics i posted earlier,,,it was not!! different area.
Wow nasty stuff there Dan. I just hope they have moved on or are already behind bars. I never found anything like that where I hunt. But it wouldn't surprise me if it was around.
Geez, that's quite the find. Glad to see the WCO made the effort to come out on your word, and then get the state police involved. Let's hope they catch these guys.
Dan, I've found Meth garbage on more than one instance over here, but the cops did take an interest. It's Sad that it goes on but you handled it properly. Dan
I worry enough about other hunters tresspassing let alone meth heads. Glad the game wardens are atleast making an effort.
Bloodcrik buddy! Please stay the hell away from any more of that stuff. It is ahighly hazardous material, as in dudes w/fully encapsulating suits should be touching that stuff. I should know, because I'm on our FD's haz mat team. One thing you need to be really careful of is something out there called the death bag. Meth guys will off gas into a garbage while cooking in a car. A lot of times these bags end up on the side of a highway until some poor unsuspecting roadside worker comes buy and opens the bag. That person has the potential of becoming seriously ill or even killed by inhaling the fumes. Leave that stuff alone! Don't handle it w/o any gloves on. If you come in contact w/the stuff, flush & wash the heck out of your hands. I mean it. That stuff is bad juju! As you can see the ingredients used, it's all combined and it's the afterproduct that is the hazmat. Please keep yourself safe, & keep clear.
OMG brother. I seriously don't know where the world is going to. I have a hard time understanding people. My wife says I'm too trusting and I'm learning that just get's me stabbed in the back but man, I'm not sure how I'd react if I found this in my woods. I'm not sure if I'd call the authorities or use some vigilante landowners rights backwoods justice. I hope all goes well for you brother.
Thanks for the kind words fellow brotherin. Hank thank you for the advise, ill heed it all. Rob, I was feeling what your suggesting, know how it is!! Guys like i said earlier, there was three times the amount we originaly thought, Its now been bagged by professionals, printed, hauled off, and they will be keeping an eye on the area. My son is not allowed in the area while shed hunting without Dad for awhile!! cant take that chance!! John, your right, in a way they already blew there self up.
Dang Crik, glad they showed up to bag and tag that junk. Keep safe for the rest of sheddin season and let me know if they open a season on Methheads down there P.S. you don't need no gun, one look at your Mitts and they will run for the next county >>>BAM<<<
That sucks Dan but unfortunatley,I too have to deal with it around my HOUSE.A few years ago a neighbor was hauled off for cooking.Just last week a house was burned down from someone cooking I think and just a couple nights ago,my stepdads old farm house and garage was burned to the ground.Thankfully the house was empty but there was a place in the middle of the garage that was clearly where the garage fire was set.We are thinking this was also a meth operation but not sure.There was a known drug dealer trying to get my step dad's brother to rent the old house to him but they refused.Couple weeks later it is burned to the ground. I would personally like to see hanging brought back just for these worthless pieces of crap that think it is cool to sell this crap,especially for those that sell to kids.