Well I went out on another shed hunting venture today, no sheds but found things that really piss me off. I hunted an area of our lease today that is about 1/2 mile from a local turkey barn. Two years ago the poultry operation had a different owner. He worked night shift for Toyota and had a Hired hand working for him that stayed in a camper there and helped run the place. I had always heard that the hand was a drugie and the whole time he lived there I/We were always finding Meth trash dumped beside the road and in some pretty out of the way places in the woods. The barn switched owners the Meth trash slowed down but not completly. The spot i was in today see's little hunting, and is kinda closed in on three sides by water, but is on high ground in an old strip mine area. I first came upon a Rural King trash bag stashed in some leaves, I got a stick, opened it and found meth trash,,,I continued on, found another RK bag and a camo tarp beside it. I sticked it open, and found all kinds of Meth cook leftovers. In all there was a 100 yard stretch littered with things that they left/stashed. In the past i had contacted the authorities about getting some of the stuff out of there, I offered to take them right to it, they never came since there was no activity going on. They said i could throw it away but im not touching the stuff. What bothers me is the other things i had found yers ago were in completly different places. I know its the same guy, he always has those same plastic pictures with the blue lids. I have found metal tanks containing liquid, likely anhydrous,,,those dissapered after i found them so someone came and got them. I have found peeled batteries, rubber gloves, bottles with tubes, bottles with what looks like salt in them, craftsman tool bags with items in them, starting fluid cans opened from the bottom. on and on. I think ill try and get the game warded this time to come out and get the stuff. I think ill start packin a weapon now while in shed hunting. (UPDATE) I called the warden, he imediatly camE out, we went for a walk and i showed it to him. We found more on the way that i didnt see. He prodded through the bag and there was alot more that i thought. Some were contained chemicals and substances. He imideatly said this is where we stop. He said the state police needs to be called and he has a crime lab on the way right now to investigate and clean it up. The Warden is now a friend, we talked hunting and shed hunting after i wrote my statement. I told him he is welcome to stop by anytime and shoot the bull, he agreed!!!! This is a property i bow hunt, I could do with out this kind of crap. any one else deal with this crap?? Another pitcher containg Liquid fire drain cleaner and morton salt
What a bunch of crap Dan!!! I cannot believe the cops won't at least go In there and remove the trash, after all It Is meth junk!! I bet the game warden will step up to the plate and do something here. I'd be packing a pistol too, I wouldn't trust these people at all!
Bummer. I'd be pretty furious to find that. I can't believe the authorities won't check it out. Hope your state allows you to pack heat during bow season, last thing you need is running across a drugged out meth head. Hope that something can be done for you.
Someone had a meth lab set up within 100 yards from my best stand in 2006. We turned it into the authorities, the mess is still there. The guys ended up getting some serious jail time, not sure if our tip helped or not. Regardless, the guys are in jail. Sucks for you, I'd steer clear of the area.
That really bites Dan. What is with the goofballs in Indiana??? You sure have enough of them!!! The flood rains last year washed up some plastic test tube like things in the hundreds near woods I hunt. They are scattered throughout the shore of the creek. Nothing more than the test tubes, but the first thing I thought when I started seeing more and more of them was, Meth Lab materials.
Are they local or state authorities? You'd think they could get some finger prints off at least a few of the items. Sucks that you have to deal with that kind of crap. I know they have a huge problem in NE PA, but not around me. I'd keep trying different authority figures. Like you said, next step warden. If he can't help, well look for FBI or DEA? If I were you, I'd pack a a pistol (for defensive purposes obviously) and a camera in case you stumble onto the ba$t@*ds.
Man that's too bad Crick. I definitely am familiar with meth problems but haven't encountered any problems in our woods. Meth is a pretty bad problem in our area and seems to have slowed down a little bit. In the past couple years there have been a few smart people that decided it would be a good idea to try and drill into some anhydrous tanks but they got caught by the cops. I sure hope it doesn't affect your area too badly. I can't believe the authorities aren't going to help you out at all.
That really sucks crik. Sadly, it is all too common here as well. Fun fact of the day: Oklahoma contains more meth labs and meth users than any state in America. Great huh? Just make sure you are being careful. It doesn't matter how nice of a person you are, if you ever walked up on one of those guys while they were in the middle their business it would most likely end badly.
Will, just act like you are there for a buy if you walk up on one of them. :d Dink, that SUCKS....we find that crap around here quite a bit too. I have to question the intelligence of a person who INTENTIONALLY mixes up these chemicals and poisons for the purpose of consumption/smoking later...just don't get it.
We found a mad stash of weed in our woods two years ago. Turned out to be a massive growing operation in the corn fields around the woods, and it was being cut/dried/packaged in the woods. Cops came out and found about $400,000 in plants still growing. They cut it down and burned all of it. To the best of my knowledge the culprits were never aprehended, and the trash is still in the woods. I watched a 1 1/2 year old buck walk right through it this year and make a rub for about 10 minutes, so apparently it doesn't bother the deer.
Minnesota, especially in my area has a very big meth problem. I've luckily never found anything like that, though. Seriously, if the idiots that make this stuff, do it themselves...they have issues. Lets mix some battary acid, drain cleaner, salt, liquid fire, and any other deadly chemical we can find, put it in a pipe, and smoke it?! Darwin needs to pick up the pace.
Oh no, that might hurt the multi-billion dollar war on drugs that has not accomplished jack-crap compared to what they "could" do. Our tax dollars are hard at work supporting these habits and yet the gov't continues to hand out that monthly check for free to these addicts. Cryin' shame.:smash:
Damn crick that sucks. Do you think their practicing scent control , and staying out of the bedding areas ? (Sorry had to poke !) But seriously you run into a 100# 5'4'' guy on meth in your woods and he thinks your threatining. Your gonna think he was 6'4'' 285 !!!! He'll come at you like a spider-monkey ! Thats no joke. Dont bring a bow to your next gun fight ! Hope your allowed CC in Indiana. Good Luck
I hope your pistol ends in .40 or bigger. Or you can shoot that arrow with some very good accuracy. Honestly, If you are carrying a pistol, with a bow while hunting. They may look at it differently. Than just your bow. I'm just sayin. If something did happen, prepare to be in contact with some attys!
Man that sucks! I have never come across anything like that in the woods. A county SE of where I hunt has a huge problem with meth labs in the woods. Many disguised as hunting shacks.
Man that sucks bud. Sucks even more that you can't get some assistance out of the local authorities. Up our way, the local cops are just dying to get out their finger printin kits. Had a break in at the river lot a year or two ago and they were pulling prints of the ketchup bottles and stuff. Justin, sounds like Johnny Chimpo was hanging out in your woods.
Updated at top of page. Crime lab is on it now Justin,,,post those pics of the mary jane operation, Id like to see them again.
Sounds like you are on the right track. Good deal making friends with the law, esp if he's your type. Does he work out