WTH is up with guys shaving their legs? Where did they get the idea to do this? The whole nation is turning into one big "Fagorama" of un-manly men. I mean, I don't show my legs off to anyone but my wife or kids. (My legs have not seen sunshine since the dark ages) But seriously, if you guys shave your legs, at least don't wear shorts in public. (Or at least wear pink Nikes to go with them) Geesh! End of Rant.
Well dunno about the shaving thing unless your a Pro Body Builder. BUT I'd rather see some of these hairy gorilla types use a trimmer to get the tangled forest under control. Legs, arms, back, ears.. where-ever. Luckily I am not this type of person or i'd own a Flo-bie.
It's not drag, it's for when you crash. Crash, with hair, on asphault, while riding a bike, and the hair will aid in the complete shredding of your leg. Deep wounds. Sans hair, you are most likely to just have surficial wounds.
Ben, I see these guys all over nowdays. Some have their arms shaved as well. Hooker, these are not Bicyclists. They must have girlfriends who want to be next to another woman. I have to agree, if my body was as hairy as some of these walking endorphins, with the gorilla-back look, I would own the Flo-Bee as well. What is this world coming to. Guys wearing pants that they constantly have to pull up, but yet they want them to hang off their butt? Now, leg and arm shaving. What will it be next?
I agree with the trimmers, those of us cursed with large quantities gotta keep it under control. It REALLY helps a single guys social agenda... Keep the razor on the shelf though.
Bruce, when legs are shining like they belong to Paris Hilton, you can't help but do a double-take. Sick I tell ya!
Face Back (if necessary, because nobody likes to see that) You can trim the rest, but that's it. John Wayne and Charles Bronson are turning over in their graves right now. Men shaving their legs....hmpf!