If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times…..No good can ever come from using Facebook. None. I really need to start a campaign getting people to get away from Facebook. I firmly believe that it's the devil. It seems Melissa Bachman posted a hero pic with a Lion. People have freaked out. I ran across this on the front page of Yahoo! not more than 30 minutes ago. I watch her show now and again while I'm hanging around the house. It's an average hunting show. Anyway, looks like she went to Africa, killed a Lion and now the weight of the world is coming down on her. Why? because she posted it on Facebook. People!!! Understand that when you're posting stuff on Facebook, it's not private….And at some point, somebody who may not agree with the way you live your life will start a campaign bashing you, because you're not living the way they want you to live. Some of you may say, I'll do what I want and I don't care….just remember, your employers etc. have access to your Facebook account….Nothing good can come from that. What if the person responsible for giving you your next promotion is an anti-hunter?….You just never know. If you want to post something, post it where there are likeminded people. I've not hired dozens of people because after their initial interview I went to their Facebook account and found things I felt were inappropriate. I wouldn't be surprised if she loses her show over this garbage. It's not particularly popular anyway, they'll use here as a scapegoat. Too bad too, she's easy on the eyes, and it's nice to see a woman hunting as the host and not the co-host. How come you can kill "ugly" animals, but if you kill something that people like to look at, they lose their minds? Kill a shark. Yes. Kill A dolphin. They'll try to kill you. Kill a alligator. Yes Kill a deer. They'll come into the woods to stop you. Kill a cape buffalo. Yes. Kill a buzzard. Yes. Kill a Penguin. You may get deported. Kill a Lion. The Internet goes haywire. It's very strange to me. It's all because we think some animals are cute, and some not cute, so they're expendable. Show presenter Melissa Bachman slammed after posting photo of lion she killed in South Africa* - NY Daily News
She's caught a lot of heat for awhile for a lot of differnt kills. Ever since they were gonna have some show on Discovery and the show was getting a bunch of negative stuff because she "enjoyed" killing too much.
I can't stand her. She might be the most annoying person on the Outdoor Channel, but she doesn't deserve this. Although I'm not sure why you'd want to kill a lion in the first place.
I post my hero shots...ok shot on facebook. If some random jackwagon has issues with me killing stuff that's their problem. It has nothing to do with me.
They all talk...and... there has to be knowledge of this going in. We have to prepare....accordingly. .... anyway back to...shimmer, shimmer, what a pretty photograph....sighhh.
I think I may be the only person that believes a lion is quite ugly. I think Tigers etc are much better looking big cats. Bummer btw, I thought she had shot it with a bow. Now that would be impressive.
I thought I heard that these exotic kills are given to the tribes? I may be wrong but whatever... If I don't have a million watt smile on my face when I harvest even a squirrel, I need to find something else to do that makes me happy!
I think its a load of bull**** myself. But facebook, twitter and all that crap opens it all up and invites the anti hunting nuts to pull **** things like this. All it takes is one tweet in the wrong hands and you have stories like this.
Too bad for her, she is a beautiful woman that seems to know her stuff. I would love to be in her position. I'm like an owl, I don't give a hoot!
Her show is better watched on mute. Nice to look at but I want rip my ears off everything I hear her speak
I watch her show and she is a good hunter. She is a Mathews Girl!! I like seeing her shoot a bow. Easy on the eyes to boot. She doesn't deserve this crap! Tom Miranda shoots a lot of exotic animals and you never hear a word. I agree, Facebook and other social media is a bunch of CRAP. It is a great way to catch up with old friends, but other than that it is useless. I hope she DOESN'T lose her show behind this.
I thinks she's a pretty cool chick and hope this makes her show better. It's all TV but she's easy on the eyes and seems like she's the real deal.