I was almost 100% shure I was going to shoot Rage 2 blade this year but the season gets the more worried im getting about shooting a mechanical blade. IDK if im just looking around to much and making myself get nervous about it or what. But I do know I need to decide something and stick with it.....I would like some input on how you like the Rage 2 blades.
Rage 2 blade / 3 blade 11 deer down last year no problems...but I always keep fixed heads close by..good luck
Fixed vs. Mechanical I'm about to write a blog entry about this topic, as to which one is "better"... that's a question that's been debated forever. I'll give you the short version of what this thread is about to contain. Fixed Heads Should be the choice of most young hunters or those who don't produce much Kinetic Energy. They by design are "generally" more durable as there are no moving parts to break bend... whatever. Complaints that arise from fixed blade heads are 1.) They don't fly like field points, and 2.) They have a small cutting diameter. Granted, the blades will magnify a bow that is out of tune, but a tuned bow will see no difference. Cutting diameter may be shorter in diameter but is often times much larger in cutting surface. Cutting diameter creates a wider wound channel, cutting surface creates more tissue damage. Fixed heads generally penetrate better as a whole than mechanical heads. Mech Heads Should only be used by those people shooting IMO 60ft/lbs of KE. Fixed heads generally fly like field points, obviously because of their shape. Standard mechanical head blades open from the front to the back, thus eating up the KE that is used to propel the arrow through the animal. Heads like the Rage obviously open the other direction. Penetration (or lack there of) is the main complaint with mechanicals, aside from brittle, easily damaged blades. My issue with mechanicals is that generally they are a band-aid for a tuning issue. Somone may try fixed heads and can't get them to fly correct, because their bow is out of tune. They switch to a mechanical head (which by design,can't penetrate as well as the fixed head) to correct that problem. Now you have a head that eats KE on an arrow that's not flying properly to start with... it's a recipe for disaster.
I use them currently, So far Three Turkeys and one Doe taken with them and no problems with there performance at all. The only thing i had a problem with was they can sometimes open in your quiver. The simple fix is to use some of those tiny orthadonist rubber bands over the top of them and it solves it. The Doe i shot was a complete pass through, the three turkeys i shot, they held in the bird, and IMO that is a good thing for birds. I also have shot muzzy three blade, and three blade thunderheads and loved them to.
I used Rage 2 blade heads last year. The previous year I used Slick Trick. This year I'm going back to Slick Tricks. I don't want to worry about loose blades. I don't want to worry about rubber bands. I don't want to worry about penetration.(and I have plenty of KE) I spot and stalk hogs often, I don't want to worry about blade deployment on a twig I don't see. For ME, and MY peace of mind, a fixed blade head is the answer.
See this all what i thought also I just think im going to stay with Fix blades..but that brigns us to the question of whats the best fixblade on the market right now???
I agree just trying to narrow down a few I like the Magnus snuffer and stinger and have seen alot of good review about slick trick...
Wac'em broadheads have worked really well for me. I have begun to replace the old ones with shuttle t locks and the t locks fly more like my field tips, we'll see what they do on a deer in a couple of months.
I picked up my last pack of Slick Tricks for $18 delivered to my door. There is a guy on AT Classifieds selling them right now for that price I believe. I think a ST is about as good as it gets in a fixed blade BH, because they are so tough, and the ferrule is basically a Field point with a pair of cuts through it to to slide blades into. I've used the same BH on 5 animals, re-sharpened it, and it will be on my #1 arrow again this year. You're not going to get that out of many BH's and certainly not out of a Mechanical.
He is from Ohio and not that pretty:D But I have to agree with Doug. I was an Anti SL guy until I used them. I use the Grizzly SL and I love it. IMO for the money SL is a good choice, amoung many I might add. But do not let folks scare you away from the Rage, I plan on shoot another doe with one this year. Great BH IMO.
"Not that pretty"......hell, I'm damned ugly, my little girls tell people their daddy looks like SHREK!!!
If you are asking this question, I would suggest sticking with a fixed blade. Most guys will tell you that you need to have 100% faith in your tools. I look at my quiver full of rage and snyper's and think, deer lord when I hit one the whole is gonna be massive. I never think about blades opening etc...as that has never happened to me.