Maybe I'm behind the times but never heard of a dispute over lighted nocks & peep sights, personaly I dont understand what the benifits of either would be, if you practice like a real archer should you should KNOW wher the peep sight is & wher the arrow is going, both sound like a money maker gimmic to me , all I want is the basic equipment on my compound simple rest,sight & peep & no moving parts, but if thats a crutch one needs to be a better archer go for it. All the gadjetry with compounds is what got me into trad bows to begin with, all I need is a bow,string & arrow, but instead of worrying about what someone else wants to hunt with we all should try to better stewards of the sport for everyone sake, & no matter what you shoot you need to invest lots of practice time to be a real archer Just say'n.
No, not what I'm say'n at all, I misunderstood the statement from Afflicted, he said he had a problem with people who lobbied against others who wanted to use a lighted nock & peeps, what I think he try'n to get across is lighted nocks & a peep sight, not a LIGHTED... peep sight, thats what threw me off, I've seen the glow in the dark peeps advertised & thats what I had the in mind Afflicted was talk'n about, I stand corrected. The right peep sight is a helpful tool, helps keep everything wher it needs to be, one of these I do have on my compound.
It's very easy to front load a carbon arrow with weight to get a heavy FOC for using a mechanical broadhead. Do I use them, no I do not. I like COC BH's. As for the traditional bow "toy" issue...I find that quite insulting and an uneducated statement. Yes it takes what? Sent from my iPad Mini using Tapatalk Bows, Broadheads and Backstraps
i like shooting my magnus broad heads...eventually i want to do everything "trad" when i shoot, like flint knap. i can't imagine trusting or wanting to use a mechanical. i'm not saying that it couldn't work; just saying i wouldn't get the warm fuzzy's if you will.
as far as the other folks who look at trad as less than capable or almost unethical, that's tantamount to how pure firearm hunting folk view us i feel. anyhow, i shoot both, and love both.
Yeah I hear what your saying, people been killing deer with sticks and strings a hell of a lot longer than compounds though brother. Theres more passion in traditional and personally I love making longbows and shooting them, but I'd never take one in the woods, least not yet. I agree with the ethical points 100%, its a shame to see new hunters that instead of not knowing or making a mistake, simply don't give a damn what happens to the deer or porperty, no respect. Just as bad as poaching in my book
Isn't the thread about mechanical broadheads on trad bows and not lethality of trad tackle? Like I stated you can very easily get a mechanical broadhead to work on an arrow shot from a recurve or longbow. Sent from my iPad Mini using Tapatalk Bows, Broadheads and Backstraps
If the shoe fits... If not please didn't be insulted. You must know what I mean about people hunting live game with trad bows that have know business shooting at game with these lighter weight instinctual bows. In my circle of friends I get a lot of grief for hunting with tactically advanced Achery equipment with training wheels but I find most of the the game I shoot at and they are always surprised when they find theirs. That's me though so again don't take it personally just don't get on the trad band wagon of holding us back if you don't want to advance. Ie. trad clubs lobbying for no lighted nocks, sights on archery equipment when hunting
When I started fly fishing back in the 70s my Dad told me I was going to turn into a 'conceited, arrogant, p***k". This has not happened. Fly fishing elitists,... don't hang around that crowd, they give me pimples.
I just got done reading The Traditional Bowyers Bible Volume 2 and there is an interesting chapter on broadheads and making them, but interestingly there are pictures of mechanical heads as early as the 1940's. But to answer your question no I use a 3 blade COC.
How many animals have you wounded with you're compound? As for the traditional people trying to keep the huge influx of technology out of bow hunting, count me as one of them. I do agree with you on the lighted nock issue though. Quite ridiculous. It aids none in shooting a deer. Sent from my XT907 using Tapatalk
Lighted nocks do aid videography. They also are good to verify a good or questionable hit in low light conditions. I use them with my compound but not my recurves. I don't care if anyone uses them or not. That's not my concern. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Correct but they don't help you shoot the deer like many of the new products today do. Sent from my XT907 using Tapatalk
Yes, mechanical BH's have been around quite awhile. Sent from my iPad Mini using Tapatalk Bows, Broadheads and Backstraps
This is my seventh season hunting so my mistakes were made in the first few years but I think my odds are very good now but yes I have wounded a few animals in my day. I just don't think an equally trained or practiced trad hunter could ever hold a match to a compound bow hunter and so to have our brethrens going behind our backs to create laws to keep us all in their Stone Age I think is a dirty trick. IMO. But that's me.
Stone age?? Lol!! Wtf ever. I will add to this bull**** when I have some time. Sent from my XT907 using Tapatalk