I know we all LOVE to bowhunt deer on this site .... all that being equal, are you out there to put meat in the freezer MORE than horns on the wall or is it the other way around? For me, it is all about putting meat in the freezer .... so if I can fill it with doe meat, I will, but if a fat spike comes around (in NY) and there is nothing in the freezer AND I don't have much hunting time left in the season ... it'll be in my freezer (assuming I don't mess it up ) And you? Please don't give me the "both" response .... I understand that .... but when the rubber "meats" the road (misspelling on purpose) , what are you about?
My motivation comes from the headgear...not the meat. But I do like to eat venison as well. If it were all about the meat for me I would just kill the first deer I see and be done with it.
i am out there to get away and enjoy something that few people in the world understand. Solitude and quiet. I get to see things that people would never believe. It is indeed the most relaxing thing ins the world to me. The venison and horns, they are added bonus.
PT, I just love to hunt deer. If I can put 2 or 3 deer in my freezer (give some to other folks), I am totally satisfied. I hunted. I had fun. I got my steak, ground meat and sausage. I helped someone else. What more could you ask for? Horns are always on my mind while hunting, just behind the thought of filling my freezer.
The ultimate goal is meat in the freezer. But up until late in the season I am very particular about what I'll shoot. Early - All does and young bucks walk. Late - Small bucks and yearlings walk, everything else is on the menu.
Neither really, I love both. I really do. I am an equal opportunity hunter :D I will say this, FOr some reason i get more shook seeing does then big bucks. And it might have something to do with my doe only hunting property but i dunno
It's all about meat in the freezer. If I get lucky and shoot a buck good enough for the wall than that is a plus.
It is more about horns for me during bowseason. I shoot does during the doe season w/ my muzzleloader.
It's all in the antlers to me. I can, relatively easily, fill MY need for deer meat with one doe in the freezer. My family doesn't eat much of the meat, which leaves me basically with backstraps, tenderloins, and a LOT of jerky meat. I think this year I will grind a doe up with bacon and introduce it as our staple hamburger meat. I have only ever shot two does in my life. One with my rifle to break in the nearly brand new .270 years ago, and one last year as my first whitetail with a bow (mainly because I wanted some meat AND we got great footage of it). Does are a fun way to fill a tag but certainly NOT the reason I hit the woods.
I know you didn't want a both answer, but WHY does it always have to be an either/or question? I love shooting deer. Mostly that means does. But the thrill & rush of a big mature buck encounter is tough to beat. That said I'd probably be more bummed if I lost the ability to shoot a lot of does, more than I would if all the bucks I saw were small. But I don't neccessarily equate that to being a "meat" hunter, I just equate it to liking to shoot deer. I shoot more deer than we can consume, but there is always someone willing to take the extra.