Is anyone else in a situation where a portion of your hunts only take place, because sitting in a crappy spot is better than sitting on your couch? I seem to be finding myself in these situations more and more over the past few years. My after work hunts are all but useless these days as I can’t get to a “real” spot in a timely fashion. But like I said it beats sitting on the couch. I get really freaked out if I’m home, its daylight, the season is in and I’m not in the woods. I know there’s always a chance as I still hold on to the time I shot a doe within 15 minutes of walking out my back door. Unfortunately I think that was my last after work bow kill.
I knew what your saying. Bad wind direction can't hunt the area I would like leaving me with one stand to hunt knowing that area is not good for that time of day but yet there I sit. HAPPY!:D
I get what your saying Ryan. There's been a good share of times where I've done that meaningless hunt to just be out there, one never knows right?? A meaningless hunt for me though will never be hunting a bad wind. The mature bucks are lacking In numbers the way It Is here, no sense In making It tougher on myself for future hunts.
I would rather the hawk land 10 feet from me and we eyeball each other while hunting a bad spot (for that particular day) than sit on my couch. I have experienced many more very cool things while I have been in the woods by myself (and not necessarily hunting) than while I have been in the house by myself.
Sure, many of my hunts are done just for the sake of hunting. I share my woods with 5 other family members, so many times they may choose an area I had planned on going and the last minute I will hunt an area just to be hunting. I rarely kill deer on these types of sits, but they do provide a good chance to scout new areas.
I have some early season spots which are not great as far as my chances at scoring on a good buck. I tend to save my favorite spots for later in the season. But it is nice to just be out there.
I will sit in spots I've always wanted to try but never had much faith in on those type of days. It usually happens when the wind is bad for where I wanted to hunt. Sometimes the wind changes or is different once I get to the property, so I just take the climber and find a spot. It usually isn't very productive, but better than the couch.
Ditto... Have even done those 45 minute hunts...just because - it's what I love to do and still get all aspects of most hunts: -the walk in -setting up -sit/relax/scan -witness wildlife -packing up and walk out -drive home thinking about the "next time"
I have hunted in hurricanes, down pours, and all out terrible weather just to be out there- something inside says you never know, so the majority of the time I am out there - I am little older now though, and prob will skip severe weather in the future
Without a Doubt! Ryan, I feel the same way, if it's daylight, the season is in, I'm in a tree and it doesn't matter where. Fortunately, my honey holes are very close and very accessible.
I have two beautiful reasons to be at home on a bad day (my kids) and the wife is pretty OK too, but even on bad days that it seems like everything is going wrong I still sit it out. I just can't give my family the attention they deserve when I'm thinking to myself "I bet a buck is walking right past my stand right now."
I no longer have the luxury of after work hunts. I miss them and wouldn't hesitate for a minute to sit a "bad" spot. Even if I don't see deer are there many "bad" sits?
I'm not sure I would classify them as merely sitting in the woods, but yes, there is one or two spots I can get to VERY quickly after work once DST ends. On the flip side, I don't have any stands where I feel I have a REALLY good shot at a buck yet, either.
Even though I too have had hunts like what you describe, I still consider any time I spend in the woods whether or not I harvest a deer. It's a time to commune w/nature and thank the Good Lord for being alive.
No more after work hunts for me anymore as I work until 645pm. I feel drawn to the woods when hunting season is open. I could be half sick and have only slept 5 hours, yet I still feel a magnetism towards climbing a tree. That silence out there in the middle of the woods is something to behold.
I count myself as lucky as I can get to my good spots after work on time most days. On the days that I can't I will still go somewhere. Last year I stumbled on to a nice 8 that I could have shot if I was paying closer attention.
Im going to have a few "quick sit" stands/blinds this year that i can access nice and fast without messing things up too much. I have a rough schedule for hunting this year.
I dont think I have ever went in thinking this place sucks. Because I never whitetail hunt where I havent already got solid proof of at least one stud buck living in the area. I always go in thinking I have a great shot at a solid buck. I dont think I would even go if I didnt have that motivation and that motive comes from the off season scouting. Knowing a big boy uses the area makes a huge difference over "hoping" a big boy does. I always try to have at least 3 solid bucks to hunt in different areas. This year is an exceptional one for me, I feel like I have 6 good bucks in 3 different areas and get to hunt a completely new area that holds huge bucks which I will scout for the first time in about 5 days ..Farmland down south.