I’ve had nearly identical experiences with these broadheads until yesterday. Killed 3 last season, highly lethal big holes. It didn’t expand yesterday, first time that’s happened. I can’t really explain it but the entry and exit holes tell the story. Just grateful we had a tracking dog in camp.
I have never had a Rage not open, or open in flight. This makes me nervous. New can you tell us your set up and specs?
Mathews NoCam HTX, @58#, 28.5” draw length, arrow weight 420-ish. After looking at the ribs some more only thing I can come up with is possibly at 7 yards the arrow just punched through because it hit no bone. 1 rib on the exact was nicked/cracked. Maybe just the soft tissue/hide didn’t quite push the blades back. Ftr it looked like maybe 1 blade was at least partially deployed, as there was a singular slice on the off side lung. Idk really just glad we got her.
I’m just wondering what kind of momentum and KE you are pushing. 58# and 420 gr arrow out of the no cam may be asking for trouble with those huge heads.
Wow, that sure doesn't give me a warm and fuzzy feeling about the Deadmeat versions that I picked up to hopefully try on a deer this season. But at least the blades will still do some cutting when not deployed, there are lots of mechanicals that wouldn't out there. You were using the blue retaining ring, correct? I know the red ones are for crossbow, blue is for our slower compounds.
Roughly. This exact bow and setup has killed a pile of deer with Schwackers, Mega-meats, Grizz tricks. I’m hoping it was a 1 off fluke but I’m probably just hunting with the Hoyt from here on out with the slick tricks. We’ll see.
Maybe it just was a fluke. But a fluke sucks we don't get second chances .. I am leaning towards slick tricks myself. I am just tired of the worry. I been a Rage fan boys for over a decade but I do often think about the what ifs
Redemption song. Smashed at 9 yards, down in 50-ish. Heavy blood, great entry and exit. Put new blue clips on everything, only change I made. Same bow same arrow. Entry: Exit:
that's awesome! I am hoping to get the dead meat through one this year and I think I will go with the mega next year