DC, I know you are a fan of Rod Jenkin's. Did you happen to get MBBIII yet? He really reveals a lot in this one. His back tension always amazes me. I'm going to have to give him a call though and razz him about that tape on his nose. Man, it looks sore. Ouch..:punch:
I have not bought it yet but I really want to! I agree that Rod takes back tension to a new level. I've seen him shoot and he is the real deal. When he is on it's scarey. I'm talking compound accuracy.. Then again, I've seen that rascal completely miss a target at 20 yds, lol.. Its nice to see they are human like the rest of us! What about Larry Yien's section? I'm really interested to see him explain how he gaps at the bow.
Sorry, I watched Rods section twice, but did not see Larry's yet. I know what you mean about missing. In a competition shootoff, I had Gary Davis in front of me (had me nervous). He completely missed a bear 3-d at 20 yards (they got it on film). Needless to say my confidence level went up about 110% and I nailed that target.
No he said the string hits his honka:d Both sections are full of good info. I got 2 copies off Ebay for $25 each delivered, so I cancelled my order with 3r for it.
Anyone's practice methods resemble what Rod is showing in the video?? I've been following something similar and it seems to be helping my shooting. woodsman