Interesting! You can see the food layed down. Looks like it is all doe's though. Can't make out a single buck.
wow. That's a lot of does... and quite a few young ones too. Wonder where the boys are at... You can see the food in the one pic. Where were those taken? And was it some kind of DNR supplemental feeding?
Not sure how you can tell the sex on MOST of those deer ..... heads covered .... they could have dropped .....
PT - just going with the amount of snow on the ground, making the assumption that it was most likely Dec. - Feb. time frame, at which point most wouldn't have dropped yet...
Cool photos! Quite the deer yard. Photo could have been taken yesterday here in northern MN. I'm sure there are bucks mixed in. I haven't seen that extreme concentration, but I'm sure if you put out feed here, it wouldn't take long. This late running winter is going to be hard on the herd this year, they need access to open ground soon!
Yes I have seen this via my cousin and she said Antigo, Wi area but I doubt it. I have also read it was in the U.P. of Michigan. With that being said I do believe that is a Wisconsin Dnr jacket he is wearing. In Da Woods remember fergs ice tourney when the wardens showed up?
Fitz - amazing how different it is from the Range to the Cities... it's slowly starting to green up down here, I'm going to be getting the boat ready for some fishing next weekend (yup. ice is off most of the lakes), and I was just chatting with a friend who lives just outside of Babbitt who was ice fishing on Birch the other day... hope it's not a late ice out like last year!