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Maximum Shot Distance: How Far Will These Guys Shoot?

Discussion in 'Bowhunting Talk' started by Staff, Mar 1, 2019.

  1. WildernessPhantom

    WildernessPhantom Weekend Warrior

    Aug 21, 2018
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    Western Pa
    That is awesome

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. jstephens61

    jstephens61 Weekend Warrior

    Jun 29, 2011
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    Illinois, not Chicago
    The comment that it depends on the buck bothers me more than anything. If it’s a doe or a 120” buck, does it deserve different considerations than a 200”+ buck. You’re taking a life, it shouldn’t matter. You have an effective range, stick to it! If you “think” you can make a 80 yard shot a trophy animal, you probably can’t. JMHO.
    Longest shot I ever took was 48 yards on a river buck slightly quartering to me. He took a step and that perfect shot disappeared. Thank God I was shooting a heavy arrow and a Snuffer. Took out 1 lung, liver and exited the ham.
    JGD and Dubbya like this.
  3. oldnotdead

    oldnotdead Legendary Woodsman

    Feb 13, 2019
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    Got to love the range finder. I remember measuring distances and marking them preseason at many stands. Over time I could naturally judge those distances. Then range finders in my price range arrived.
    My sweet spot is 25 yrds during practice, though many of my kill shots are 35yrds.
    Most bad hits have happened 10 to 20 yrds thanks to deer moving. This even with very fast arrows. Last year I used the crossbow to shoot a doe. She came in across the hill behind me she was broad side slightly above me. As I readied the shot she was quartering slightly away 23 yrds. from me. Just on the trigger squeeze she turned up the hill more. The bolt hit her back thigh going forward. Now I watched her drop out of sight 60 yrds away. Wasn't sure she was dead until I had 4 different bucks arrive as I waited, to tender her. When I did go to check shot and trail, no bolt ,no blood at all. Gutting her the bolt fell out last. The bolt had hit a rear artery sliced top of intestines and one lung.
    I know my crossbow is much faster than my 49# compound,yet still what was a bad hit with a an mid aim point for that angle.
    My point is they are living, breathing, moving targets. At any range something can go wrong because of what they may do. So if these guys know their consistent skill, the knowledge of speed in their equipement, what they think the target may hear before the hit then more power to them on those good kills.
    Most hunters just don't have the components needed for long range good kill shots. We need to practice embracing disappointment and the hope of a better future encounter.
  4. trial153

    trial153 Grizzled Veteran

    Dec 28, 2011
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    I thought the video was fine, Kudos to the guys that aren't giving bull_hit answers.
    Dubbya likes this.

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