See if this works. It’s toward the bottom of the first page. Turn the sound all the way up. The arrows were flying about a foot from the phone so this is very similar to what deer hear when the bow goes off and the arrow is coming in.
I grew up poor. I've been bpwhunting since I turned 12 (now 56) I had to scrounge most all ,y hunting stuff therefore I was not able to become a good shot. I grew up knowing I had to get close or go home. I got damn good at getting close. That still goes for today (ingrained) I can shoot well at 50 but I set up most every stand for 10_15 yard shot. A 25 yard shot is "far" for me. But I think I do just fine up close
If its more than 30 yards I generally wont take a chance unless I can hear a pin drop. Most of my shots are within 7 to 15 yards. But I can shoot up to 60. Don't have a whole lot of time to practice so I usually shoot 20 and 30.
Never past 35 . For some reason better at 25 than 20. That said though most kills are between 15 - 20
Practice out to 50 yards but I don't hunt past 35 yards, and then the deer has to be in a wide open spot and calm. If it isn't calm I'm not shooting it. I wouldn't know where to hold my pin for the drop. I shoot well, I'm no pro but I hold my own.
this is a tougher question for public land tree stand hunters and spot and stalk guys that have no idea going in what possible distance theyll face. We have set stands on private land, these are set based on what we believe gives us the best chance at shots at or within 20 yards. the goal of any hunt with any method of taking should be the kill the game animal as quickly and cleanly as possible. Things happen, we all know that, but controlling the situation as much as possible allows one the largest margin of error with closer shots as compared to longer. It is my moral duty to that animal to not risk it. I have taken 1 shot over 25 yards at a deer and I wouldn't take it again. (note I did recover that deer within 100 yards but I'll confess some luck was involved)
I use a one pin slider set at 20 yards. I practice from an elevated position so I know how much hold over/under to use. I rarely hunt higher than 15 ft, as the shot angle gets too steep. I aim for lower third of deer, a high hit still gets me in the kill zone. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
i shot a doe at super close range and the arrow came out her sternum area, that was a pretty extreme angle, got 1 Lung and missed heart, luckily she bedded down close and we recovered her shortly thereafter
I shot a couple from close range. Sometimes those super close shots make you nervous but both times they didn't go 100 yards.
I’m fairly new to archery so I’m not taking a shot at anything over 40, and that’s a stretch 30 and under sweet spot.