I am not a buck hunter per se but, since they have identifiable features, you know when you after the same one. This will be year 3 for one buck. We're even right now. The first year he busted me, the second year he was less than 5 yds but I didn't want to take an iffy shot that I was uncomfortable with. I know where he lives and sleeps. I'll get another chance this year. The other buck is a piebald. I made a mistake last year and he got me. I won't make that mistake this year. I know where he lives and sleeps. I'll get another chance this year. Since they are public land bucks I really have no idea if they are even alive, although I likely would have heard about the piebald if someone got him. I'll be hunting those areas any way so we will see.
Same "general" idea as you... I just feel fortunate when I see deer while on stand, I feel I'm part way there. If I get them into bow range and allow them to live another day, I feel I'm there. The icing on the cake is when I decide to kill that deer, it's as some say, "full circle"!
I have matured immensely. When I first started I wanted to kill and kill more. I killed small bucks and does with rifles, shotguns, muzzleloaders, and then finally my bow. I really don't think I settled down until about 7 years ago when I killed my first buck with a bow. I enjoy the entire process of hunting, it is a year round thing for me as I scout all the time and create history wtih the land I am hunting, not a specific buck per say. I jump around too much hunting here and there because I hunt public land with a small amount of large bucks. So again, I feel I create the storyline more with the land I hunt more so than a specific animal. For example, this year I passed up more bucks in one season than I have ever done in my hunting career. And a couple of them I would have arrowed in a second, even 3-4 years ago.
Not really sure how attention to and enjoyment of the details="maturity" I see guys throw this label around a lot (usually at themselves) and I really think it is nothing more then their personality. You can make ANYTHING as complex or as simple as you want........your personality will dictate how deep you go down that rabbit hole. Some guys play golf.........and some computer analyze their swing and spend hours a day in lessons and on the range. Some guys shoot trap..........and some wear eye blockers and reload and have 6 different guns. Some guys have fish tanks..........and some have full blown reefs that look like a mix between a science project and a water treatment plant. Some guys hunt........and some guys have trail cams, scout all year, have stacks of aerial photos, 10 bows, 100 broadheads and start chewing gumoflauge in August (just in case). I don't think any of them is more "mature" then the others..........there are simply some people who are very detail focused and therefore become engrossed deeply into the minutia of whatever draws their interest........no matter what that may be.
I definitely have experienced that before. I think that every yr we get a little wiser. Think about the first yr you went out, and how much of a rookie you were. Now its about descenting, carbon suits, hanging clothing outside, stand placement, hunting the wind, ground hunting vs being in a climber now, etc. All that makes you a better hunter and able to do what you were talking about. I shot a 9 ptr quite a few yrs ago, that I had seen bowhunting 3 wks before the gun season. I even was at fulldraw on him, but he busted me. 3 wks later, I nailed him at almost the very same spot.
Buckeye, I absolutely agree with you. I'm 25 years old, and I just started to mature these last few years. When I was younger, I would take small bucks and a lot of does. Now, I don't get anxious or annoyed if the deer don't show up. I just enjoy being in the woods and relaxing!
I understand where you're coming from Buckeye. I've had occasions where I've had multiple sightings and close encounters with the same buck. It's fun and exciting to know that what your doing is correct and it's getting you close to the particular deer you want to kill. I also have just as much fun and get just as much excitement seeing a buck for the first time. I don't need a "history" with it to make me feel excited about shooting it. I just love to hunt.
deff connection to any animal that you have seen before and then taken it. makes it even more special if you ask me!