I shot the new Mathews(2023) and my Elite side by side for a few hours at the shop deciding which I liked more. The mathews was a smooth draw with a huge hump at the end for my draw length. The Elite was a smooth, stiff draw all the way. Not necessarily easier to draw, but it just didn't feel as jumpy when it dumped off.
And I really wanted to like the Mathews more, I had never cared for Elite but both shop owners shoot professionally for Elite and they loved them so I tried it out. Now I'm in love with it lol
elite bows in my opinion rival mathews on every level. The reason i do not shoot them is because nobody carries them around here anymore. they all dropped them due to the customer service they said
Yeah my shop owner HATED working with their CS - which he said sucks because he absolutely thought the Pure was amazing and loved when I brought my E32 in for a tune up check. It's just the hunter preference for sure! I 100% get that description - Elite hump also IMO is less because it carries further through and less to dump where Mathews builds and dumps quicker resulting in that "jump" back off the hump you stated IMO as well. I doubt I ever come off of Mathews at this point for a lot of reasons, but I'd shoot an Elite absolutely with no hesitation and know I'd love the draw.
Putting the top bows from the top companies side-by-side it's always going to come down to personal preference. They all draw, hold, and shoot incredibly well no matter who makes them. It really comes down to which one you feel most confident in, which company you chose to support with your money, and which you enjoy shooting the most. By all accounts the "Big 3" is really a "Big 4" these days when you talk about overall build quality and features. Mathews, Hoyt, Bowtech, and Elite are all on top of the pile.
I've been hoping for a tuning system to replace the tophats for a few years now, and we finally go it. That alone is worth the upgrade to me.
@Justin , since you're swapping out the sight for your HHA, I'd gladly take that Mathews UV sight off your hands, won't even charge you a disposal fee