ok, so my buddy just called me and said that Mathews is due to release a new bow in Nov. anyone hear the same?????
They always release a new bow in November. They are probably the best though about preventing early leaks about the new models. Usually no one knows until they show up on the dealers doorsteps on 11/1.
thats what my buddy said, just that a new bow was coming, no name... nothing! my wallet cant handle this every yr!!!!!!!!!!!
seriously, how much better is any new bow than anything else built in the past 5yrs??? nothing has substantially changed in that time by any manufacturer (except for teh center pivot bowtechs, but its still a parallel limb design and now some huge change in design philosophy)... as long as your LD is working for you shoot it until you get bored with it... no reason to upgrade every year now days...
Isaiah what are you doing posting today? I thought you were heading up to Wisconsin for a few day hunt?
Mathews are on my list of bow's to check out next year. My hoyt is from 99 so it is time for a upgrade and throw bowtech in there also.
i'm going to try an elite this year, figure I bought my Ross used two years ago and it was my first 'real' bow since my old bear whitetail hunter, it'll be worth checking out anyway, who knows, i may not get one and stick with the ross for a while longer...
Nobody leaves the family. If you do MECHDOC, Ferg and I have a little spot to take you to for some scouting.:evil:
I Own a Mathews SwitchbackXT and have been very pleased with it performance, I think they have discontinued this series of bows, your choices are basically the Drenlin or the newer DXT, Its up to you there are a great number of bows worth looking at. Alot Depends on how much money you are willing to spend. My setup at this time is: Mathews Switchback XT 70# 29" draw Goldtip Pro Hunter(Camo)Arrows 5575 (383 grains) Black Gold 4-Pin Sight (I Only use three) QAD Pro Hunter Series Fall Away rest Mathews Arrow Web T-5 Quiver Fuse 6" stabilizer Montec G5 100 grain broadheads