It was bound to happen. You can really notice a serious lack of activity over on HNI. Not just in the Bowhunting forum, either.
Yeah, its pretty easy to see why everybody is dropping from HNI and moving here. A huge thanks again to Todd, Justin, and everybody else who has been working so hard to make this place what it is. Great job guys!
Yea it is, kinda funny to think back a few years ago when everybody complained about the guys in charge over there.... they leave and the site goes to hell.... I guess they didn't know what they had till it was gone :d
I hear ya NYB, but what do they expect. The pages take forever to load and we get no answers from them except to be patient, well 2+ months is pretty damn patient if you ask me!!!! Its like they don't care at all! I don't think they realized how long we've all been hanging out together, ya know???
Well I am glad to see everyone starting to migrate over. Sswpriz hopefully you can make it to the G2G at the end of June to meet a bunch of us. We will have a ton of information about it in the next few days as we get some planning questions answered.
I hear ya.... a lot of the regulars have been very patient waiting for the big "upgrade" It's at (or beyond) the point of waiting and dealing with it anymore for a bunch of people. Too bad really it was a cool site. It's more and more apparent that the new owners could really give a crap. They only seem to be concerned about how many people that are left are interested in playing duck hunter.
I don't bowhunt, but my husband does. Isn't that the next best thing to staying at a Holiday Inn? Hopefully I can find a niche here. :d
I don't think Todd and Justin want us talking about the other place so I would try to keep that in chack. Wow, I'm not the ranking member any more