I haven't used either mask or paint. Too hot and sweaty where I am. However, I did see a nice set up at the store the other day. A drop down mask hanging from a hat. If it disrupts your shooting, simply turn it around. This may not be ideal for everyone's situation, but it looked cool.
I've used both in the past and can't stand a mask, I use paint from time to time but often go with nothing and do ok as well
I got a spandex type mask last year and was very happy with its performance. That is the only type of mask I will wear from now on. I think wearing a face mask helps with my confidence as the deer approach.
+1 Face mask for me too. Around here (Virginia) the mosquitos can be a major P.I.T.A. especially during early bow season.
This year Halloween falls on a weekend... "The Big Buck Killas" are goin' Trick or Treatin'. Sounds like a perfect time to paint it up my brotha. :D
I use Hunter Specialties Paint and I keep some unscented baby wipes to clean my hands with if needed and have used them to take paint off and they work good. Other wise a hot shower and it comes right off.
Face paint unless it is a really short hunt or very buggy. Then it is the mask. Overall, I dislike anything on my face.
I've used both. I like the head net. quick on/off, no hassle w/removing face paint. Looks cool, but no difference in what it's supposed to do, hide your face.