Glad to hear that you caught it early, thankfully i have never seen one up in my part of Ohio but down in southern Ohio we get them bad.
Wow....sorry to hear that guys. As many ticks as I've had on me...I wouldn't be surprised if I had it. Several years ago I had A LOT of what I thought were chiggers on I put fingernail polish on them to suffocate them ( I know...old wives tale). Anyway, years later I know now they were those little seed ticks. Here's a pic of them while on my pants leg last summer. Matt...what kind of tick was it? How big? Now I might want to go get tested.
One word guys, PERAMONE. Spray down before you go into tic country. It doesn't smell and it lasts through a few washings in the machine. You can get it at Walmart and the likes in the camping dept. Even though I had the 2 shots for this when they were offered I still spray down.
Finch, i here ya on those seed ticks. my area is just ate up with them. Years ago i had so many stuck to me i had to have my wife pick them off with tweezers in places i couldnt reach. The itching was so bad that i would wake up with bloody sheets. I couldnt take it anymore, went to the doctor, and was suprised when he told me my blood pressure was out of wack from all the bites, I have never had blood pressure problems I got a couple shots and was good to go....and Rickmur, yep PERAMONE. thats the ticket!!
Wow Crick....thats crazy. Those itchy little bumps last for DAAAAYS! A hot shower makes them feel pretty good. :d Rick...I remember reading about Permanone from someone (maybe you or crick) on the "other" site. I take a change of clothes with me every time I enter the woods. First they get sprayed down really good with Permanone. Once I get back to the truck...I take those clothes off and put the others back on and leave the "contaminated" ones in the bed of the truck. Its been working so far. Day before yesterday I only found 5 crawling on me as opposed to hundreds.