Some of you might have seen my post on Cougar's thread about Lyme disease. I found my first tick ever on me Sunday night. I kept an eye on it for the week, and I slowly began developing a rash (small and non bullseye). I contacted my doctor on Tuesday, and he didn't seem too concerned. Last night, enough was enough. I called and made an appointment for today since I will be gone all weekend. Sure enough, they took one look at it, and they're pretty sure I have it. They did the blood work and I'm on antibiotics now. Caught it early, though, so it should be ok (I hope...heck I've NEVER heard of anyone around here getting it, so I don't know). Keep an eye out when you come back from the woods, guys. I'm thinking I got him when I was turkey hunting Saturday, but they (the doctors) said it usually takes 48-72hrs for the tick to transfer the disease to you (meaning it usually has to be IN you for that long), so I don't know. Oh well. It is what it is.
My wife never saw any rash, but had the high fever really bad for 4 days. We'd been up to the cabin inWI where a lot of people had gotten it. The Dr wouldn't put her on antibiotics until the tests came back 4 more days. Bastards! When I noticed a small bullseye rash on me weeks later and went to my doc he said I'm not even going to test for it, just by the history I'm putting you on the Doxy and that's it!
I hope you caught it early enough. Do yourself a favor and get tick spray that has Permathrin as the active ingredient. I'm outside 3-4 days a week covering 15 counties and i've only found one that made it to my arm so far this year. That stuff works.
Doctor didn't seem worried at all. He thinks we caught it in time. I will look into that spray, too. Thanks. What happens if you don't catch it early enough? I never really researched it too much. My only worry is they couldn't prescribe Doxy because it's the ONE medicine I'm allergic to, so I got amoxicillin. I'm not sure if that works as well or not, but the doctors seem to think it's alright. I don't have any symptoms...yet. It doesn't itch, hasn't swelled, I don't have a fever, aches, chills, anything. I'm keeping my fingers crossed I guess.
I'm glad you went to the doctor Matt. According to information I read on it Amoxcillin is right up there as a good antibiotic with doxcycline usually first. If its not caught early enough Lymes Disease can seem to disappear and then reappear at any time within months or years. It can be like the flu and may not reappear with a rash. Many months/years later it can and will affect people in different ways. My doctor told me when a person has major problems and doctors cannot diagnose their ailments, they sometimes turn to testing for LD. Locally I do know of a young woman in her twenties who now suffers from rheumatoid arthritis because had contracted LD, didn't know it and let it go far too long before finding out. In other words LD can be devastating if not caught early. Matt no symptom here either except for the rash and that is all it took. Glad neither of us had fevers, chills, etc. From what I understand the longer its allowed to linger in your body the harder it is to get rid of. Matt, you will be fine, you got it taken care of early.
I admit, I am never good at checking when I come in. I need to get better at it. Glad you caught it early bud.
It's amazing how most of us don't pick up these blood suckers with all the time spent in the woods. Glad to hear you got it early. Dam now I can't wait to get tested again.
Just an update. It's 5am here. I just woke up with some pain and LOTS of swelling under my arm (glands) right near the bite. I was worried and couldn't sleep. Found out it's somewhat normal for this to happen when your body is fighting off an infection. I checked my back this morning as well, and sure enough, the rash has turned into a bullseye. I really hope I didn't wait too long...I took my first antibiotic last night.
Dam, not you now!! Glad you got it early though. I have had more bites this single year than ever before. I probably have 10 bites on me now that are still healing. its the norm around here this time of year. I just keep an eye on them.
Went away for the weekend. Friday I got a mild fever, aches, chills, etc. Seems to be getting a bit better now. The bite site isn't getting any larger, but it's starting to itch. Ironically, I received a phone call from my doctor's office Saturday saying my blood test came back negative. I've heard the tests are very inaccurate.
good luck buddy, you'll be alright. I hate ticks... I had to bug bomb my truck last year because somehow I got hundreds of them inside and every time I was driving a few would crawl down my neck. Glad you caught it early bud.
Also glad to hear you caught it early, I hate those things. Last summer I was getting trail cam pics of deer COVERED in ticks.
Thanks guys. Feeling better today, and the rash is now getting smaller, and the swelling has gone down. I think part of my concern over all of this is the lack of knowing many people who ever had it, along with all of the horror stories you hear about it. I think most of the real issues come when you don't discover it right away.
Mark me down too. The "viral" thing that they thought I had two weeks ago(heavy sweating and the worst headaches I have ever had) turned into widespread rashes and then after the bloodwork was done, it was Lymes. I have had it for a while to have it get as bad as it did. The headaches were hellish. I been on antibiotics for a few days and I feel 100 times better.
Holy crap, man. I remember you mentioning you were sick. Yeah, my doctor said it usually takes a little while for the symptoms to appear (aside from the rash). Glad you're feeling better, bud. How long are you on the antibiotics for?
LOL what a Coincidence... I am currently keeping an eye out on a tick bite I recieved just the other day... Somethings in the air between VA and PA...
Damn guys. That's one thing I'm glad I don't have to worry about up here in NW Ontario. All we have are woodticks and they don't carry Lymes. With as much time as I spend in the bush, I get at least 15-20 stuck in me a year.
Wow, didn't know that!! I would of figured you would have just as many If not more up there. Sorry to hear that Ben, get well!! Keep an eye on that Dave as well!!