Dink I think you should try that with your big set of sheds you found this year. Then you can pose with that trucker hat again!! :D
Yoy guys gave me a complex with the GM Hat I no longer wear!! Besides i have a new BH.C hat to pimp around!!
OK, trying to pull that off to fool a friend would be one thing... but to actually pull it off to pass a check-in station? Where you may have to let a game warden see it eventually? Get real... Does and bucks foreheads are completely different, for starters... that, and as the game warden said, they actually moved when he grabbed them. This one gets idiot of the year so far. :d For THAT much trouble he went to... he could have simply quartered the sucker out and deboned it and took it home without ever telling anyone. Geesh.
I am gonna go out on a limb here and say that there was a few shiney cans involved here. That's what usually spurs these fits of genius.
I agree guys, total Idiot!! Why even bother to check it in And to make it worse, he ruined a perfectly good set of sheds :smash: Its hard to believe that there are people out there that really are that stupid!!
This is what happen when you don't buy a "Bowhunting Contest Success Kit" from a reputable vendor. Sometimes, you just get what ya pay for. That's all I'm sayin'.