So we are 4 days out from the opener. We have been shooting a lot for the last month or so. My son is 15 and he's been shooting fairly well. But here lately when we began shooting broadhesads, he has not been so well. We tuned the bow back in early Aug and he has been shooting fp tips fine. About 3 weeks ago we started shooting his 2 blade 100 gr stingers. he shot fine. But the last week or so he keeps shooting high and left with the Bh and about every 5th shot he's dead nuts. the other shots are just outside the vitals or just inside them.. He keeps saying his draw length is too short. It has not been changed since last season at this time. So maybe he's right. If it's short it's only by half an inch. i am thinking if it is then he's unable to hit a consistent anchor. with this being so close to the season, most bow shops are slammed and they are too busy to do anything but sell a xbow to the guy that decided he would get an early start just yesterday. I think I can change his draw easily on this Mission Hammr, no press or mods needed, but I have no way of paper tuning, or any kind of tuning. What in the hell should I do? He;s frustrated and then I get frustrated with him. We spent 2 hours tonight shooting with some breaks and only let him shoot to 15 yds out of the tree and off the ground. He will shoot dead nuts, then to the left and high for 3-4 shots. It's hard to explain to a kid about anchor points....But, I am not sure about this draw length. How can I tell if it really is too short?
If you didn't adjust it over some time (close to year). I would adjust it ck peep also. With him growing, need to adjust to his new height.
ok, I just checked. his actual draw length is 23.5"...his bow is set at 22".. this is not good. no wonder he get consistency. and the shop that I bought it from is slammed with people everyday and they freaking close at 4 pm. because of covid...wth?
Can you adjust the DL yourself? You can paper tune yourself too, you can do anything short of requiring a press. Here is a link to adjust Draw
I bought my son. Mission bow that adjusted from 17 in draw to 30 draw. Never had to put in a press to adjust it. I know the 1 year I swear I had to readjust it like 3-4 times cause the kid kept growing. Need some newspaper, and bag target and some how to stretch paper not touching bag to tune it. Good luck
Wrapping paper and get garden stakes and some tape ! Put the bag target behind and shoot into it just have the bag target back enough so the arrow clears through the paper completely. Or go make one out of pvc for 20$ and you’ll hVe it forever
I really need to. But I am so strapped for time. But I will figure something out. I do have a friend that has all that stuff, just need to see if he can with me on his time. Thanks ,
Interesting thread. Seems there is a solution to every archery problem. I like this site with all the experienced people who are willing to lend a hand! BTW, had a cousin that grew from 5-6 to 6-1 in his senior year. Like to broke the bank as he needed three new wardrobes in that time.
It makes sense in most things. If you are going to need it more than once buy it. If you don't want to buy it makes it and make it to last.
You can build a stand for paper tuning out of PVC pipe. I did this past off season. I followed a similar process to make mine.
You can just cut a large hole in a cardboard box and tape paper over the hole as well. Ultra cheap and easy in a pinch.
I like that idea. Maybe if the shop is not too busy, I can shoot through paper..hell I bought two bows from them last year....spent well over 2500$ in there..the least they could do...but, these shops around here look at you like you just asked to sleep with their wife if you ask to paper tune or shoot through the chrono....dead serious, they hate it.
Why I love my shop. I'm to the point where the last time I was there they were slammed so they asked me to run the range while they caught up. I helped 2 people paper tune and helped 2 noobs work new bows shoot. Gotta find mom and pop shops and spend lots of time there and build a relationship with them.
I been going to one shop since 1987...he still looks at me like I am nuts unless I bow a bow from him...the other two are mom and pop as well. one isn't too bad. but this time of year is bad for any of them. I went in late July or Aug to get everything worked out, but I honestly think he grew 2 inches from to now. it happens when you are 15
Honestly, I would skip the paper tune and go right to a walk-back or basic broadhead tuning. That will correct 99% of issues that you may be having without the need for any special tools. Adjust the draw length first, then start with a walk-back tune to try and fix your left/right issues. If he's hitting a little bit high (2-3") I would probably just move the pin a bit and call it good.
This is exactly what I will do. set his pin, then shoot the broadheads and see how they fly and adjust the rest accordingly. He is limited to 17-18 yd shots so it shouldn't too difficult to figure out. I can assume his knock point and peep and kisser will need to be move to fit his longer draw length?
Nock point should be the same as you adjust the draw length evenly on both cams. Kisser and peep may change based on the string angle and the fact that he's grown. The kisser you can most likely slide a little bit without needing a press. The peep may be more difficult. You'll have to play it by ear and see how it goes. Maybe he won't need it adjusted at all.