Intially I didnt like the feel of three under,now that I have been shooting steady for over a year and have tinkering with a few areas of my form....the three fingers under just feels better and I am getting cleaner releases. Adjusted my nock set is all I have done, any other considerations that I need to take?
The only thing that I do not like about 3 under is how the string has to react to different main pressure points. When the string is at full draw, the main pressure point on the string is usually the middle finger of the draw hand. When the string is released the main pressure point now becomes the arrow nockpoint. Using split gets that middle finger closer to the nock and there is less of a distance of the transfer point. But there are also problems with split. So there is a trade off. Right now, I am using three under because I like having a lower anchor, but I like where the arrow is in split. Shooting three under puts the arrow in the same spot, but I get the lower anchor.
When I got back into trad shooting I forced myself to shoot 3 under for a whole year. Not satisfied I went back to split & its a million times more comfortable for me. 3 under seems like it makes more sense to me in order to have better accuracy, but I just can't get comfortable with it.