Ive been wanting to make my own bow, but i'm not sure where to start. I know you gotta get a stave and cut it down and to all that stuff, but i'm looking for an easy step by step way to build one, and where to get supplies like strings and the stave at.
primitivearcher.com has loads of info on making selfbows and many other things. there's also a message board with differant forums...lotsa knowledge over there http://www.primitivearcher.com/
First, I highly suggest you get the trad. bowyers bible vol 1 and 4. 2 and 3 can wait. Dean Torges, hunting the osage bow is invaluable too. Read em til your eyes turn red. If all possible, take a class. It will cut down on years of frustrations. Well worth 200-300 dollars. try to attend the TN Classic next year. Pappy (on primitive archer) runs it, and I hear nothing but good things. Are you wanting to make a fiberglass bow or selfbow? Tradgang has alot of very knowledgeable fiberglass guys. Kent (burnie on here) has helped me out many times. Another page is paleoplanet. Most of the guys on primitive archer hang out there too. And if I may, I highly suggest starting out with whitewood. Osage is king, but tougher to start out with. I have made 6. and 2 are turning out to be decent. You can count on making 10 before producing quality bows. If you set yourself up planning on the first one to be a real hunter, you are going to be disappointed. Unless you take a class then your first one could be a shooter. My first one was decent..
There is also a new book out, that I read thru that I found very good. If I didn't already own 7 books on the subject already, I would have bought it. I thumbed thru it when I was at the baltimore classic. The writer, Stan, was wonderng what I thought and let me take a look before publishing. Color photos, excellent drescriptions, but its 60 dollars. http://www.amazon.com/Art-Making-Se...=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1279128767&sr=8-1
Never seen em at bookstores. I see em at some archery stores, and online. I buy all my stuff from 3ivers or amazon. You know, that last book might be better than the trad bowyers bible. Its expensive, but lots of color pictures.
My first choice for a beginers bows would have to be a Red Oak Board Bow. Cost is approx $10 total from any lumber store. Bow should tiller out anywhere from 45-60#@28'' when finished. There are several plans in the interent for these, only take a weekend. Good luck!
For a very small price.. check out The Bent Stick by Paul Comstock. Covers making bows from any type wood, bound to be info on a tree that grows in your area. Highly recommend it for the beginner, will save alot of broken bows. Chris
I started years ago with a whiteoak stave. Just over did my specs and wittled out a selfbow with an ax. I agree with the notion of doing a redoak board bow. It is great way to practice and when you bust them, you are out 5 bucks. The key is to pick good boards with long, endless grain. To insure your success, i would suggest doing a drywall tape backed bow. They are nuts ugly, but great practice.