I know of 2 different traditional bowhunters (longbow shooter and a recurve shooter) that have been talking about trying a 2 blade Rage for deer hunting with their traditional bows. They asked me and I told them they were nuts and that they will never get the penetration needed and that allot of the compound set ups aren't getting enough penetration because their not set up right for them either. Well one of them tried It anyway this fall and the results were as I predicted. I didn't go with on the tracking job as I was working but from what I was told from another that was with on the tracking job the guy doing the shooting got about 1/2 to 3/4's of an Inch of penetration. The shooter said he hit his mark perfectly behind the shoulder but the Rage never made It through the ribs. There was some blood here and there but that was about It. There was a huge 2 Inch patch of hair In the Rage a few yards from where he shot the deer. He was pulling 52lbs with his longbow. The shooter never once said It was the Rages fault but rather his for trying them. I just don't get It with some people. He's been hunting with a longbow for probably 6 to 7 years I'm thinking. He's never shot a deer yet with his longbow. He's wounded way too many deer already with his bad choice's of shot angles. I already wasn't happy with this guy and his bowhunting ways but after knowing that he again went against the grain of good advise I'm to the point of not wanting to associate with the guy at all. Mistakes happen but It comes to a point when someone keeps asking but still doesn't want to listen, the hell with them.
Unfortunately it sounds as if he was trying to do what a lot of rage shooters do. Make up for a lack of ability by using a BH that is supposed to create maximum damage. Every time I ask a fervent rage promoter what they recommend for a minimum DW, arrow eight and KE they never reply or spew a bunch of meaningless BS that doesn't answer the question. There is no doubt that a rage BH used with the proper setup can be the most devastating BH out there but no way can a traditional setup come close to being a good match. Heck, most compounds that use them are not a good match, based on what I have heard and read.
I never thought of that Bruce, you may be right. Here's another thing, he's very good buddy's with the owner of the archery shop I go to. He's saw pictures after pictures of deer shot by Rage's. Agree
The owner of the archery shop thought it was a good idea to use a mechanical, rage no less, with a longbow?!?!?
Now Steve, that was a DUMB decision by that guy. Just get a good and sharp fixed blade head and let her rip. I am already looking forward to becomming a better trad shooter this spring. I am going to make a little archery range in the woods behind my house. I am going to practice like I play so to speak.
I have no Idea. Knowing this guys history (the longbow shooter) he wouldn't listen to the archery shop anyway I'm guessing If Indeed they did tell him It wasn't a good Idea.
Shultzy, please give the shop owner and the shooter a couple of these from me,,, common sense flew out the window with those guys
At least he's bright enough to realize he made a mistake. It's people like that who frustrate me, one of my buddies is the exact same way, and it's because of that I won't hunt with him anymore. Just out of curiosity, was he using the 40KE broadheads?
Tell him to send em my way,,,My Bow is in tune and performs with them very well I have proven it, many times :D
Just stinks for the deers who have to get shot with these thing and run around wounded....i wouldnt care if he used them if the deer wouldnt get hurt...they dont deserve it....tell him that he needs to respect the wildlife just like they do us. =[]]]
How does the 52lb bows work on deer anyway? i shoot a 50lb reflex deflex and a 60lb recurve and have been looking to up lbs what you think?
Just stinks for the deers who have to get shot with these thing and run around wounded....i wouldnt care if he used them if the deer wouldnt get hurt...they dont deserve it....tell him that he needs to respect the wildlife just like they do us.