... Stingers, any of you boys ever shoot them??? As of late I'm wanting to check them out, the 125gr-2 blade with bleeders!
I have never shot the Stinger Joe but I've looked them over pretty good and I'd say that there probably the weakest BH that Magnus makes. If I was going to shoot a 2 blade with bleeders I'd shoot this one, I know there built stronger. JMO though and nothing more.
I shoot them(both w/trad bow & compound). Not the ones in Steve's pic. The screw in ones. The only real life experience is a doe shot with my compound using them. She went about 25 yds, paused for a bit, then stumbled another 25-30 yds back towards me & was down for good. One thing about them when spin testing, is that they spun perfectly true on my arrows. Wouldn't that make it a 4 blade?
Years ago the 2 blades with bleeders were never called 4 blades like they are now. I personally can't stand this new generalization or name but I'd bet the only reason they give them that name now Is because It sounds meaner. A 4 blade head to me would be a true 4 blade that started from the tip and had the same size blade as the rest of the blades.