Has anybody ever tried out these broadheads? I was thinking about trying out a COC style head and I keep coming back to these! They look solid! They are also cheaper!!!!! How do they fly? Pros/Cons?? The thing I dont get is they have a lifetime replacement guarantee on them...?? How do you do that with a broadhead?? Also one other thing I noticed, on Cabelas website they are BLACk on here they are SILVER? Is there a difference??
I have used Snuffers since Rodger put them to market in the 80's. SS are more Grey than Silver, the hardened steel ones are black and you get 6 for about the same price as 3 SS ones. I know in the 125gr sizes the SS are slightly smaller and would imagine the SS run a little smaller in all the sizes. One of the most durable broadheads on the market bar none, one piece construction, no parts to rattle loose and I have never had trouble tuning them. One thing to keep in mind is they are a sharpen yourself broadhead. The lifetime guarantee is also a plus.
Which ones would be a better bet? The hardened steel ones or the SS?? It looks like the hardened steel ones carry the lifetime guarantee??
The SS is a very good head but it typically needs some touching up out of the package to get it hunting sharp. If you talk to the owner of Magnus (mike) he reccomends the buzzcut and then the stinger hands down over the SS. I was wondering this a couple years ago and his suggestions made me go with the buzzcuts and I have been happy.
Been shooting Magnus BH's for 17 years (125 grain 3 blade Snuffer). I can't say enough good things about them, great quality head. If I was you WesternMdHardwoods I'd not shoot the smaller 3 blade SS. I'd go with the older version 125 grain style, bigger cutting diameter and a less steep angle which will give you better penetration. Like others have said, they will need some touch up work on the sharpening.
All Magnus heads carry the Lifetime Guarantee. I use the SS ones with a compound, I like taking the time to sharpen them, the more I put into it, seams like the more I get out of it.