Just wanted to give props to the broadhead I have been the most satisfied with, in several years The stinger buzzcut I have taken a few deer last week and the broadhead has performed better than I could have imagined - It flys perfect, all arrows have been complete passthroughs with the exception of one high shot (my fault) and the best thing super short bloodtrails - the shortest trail was 0 yards and the longest was about 50 - several dropped within sight I don't post a lot or claim to be an expert but if you looking to try a fixed blade broadhead these are worth considering - I think I have found the one I will use for a long, long time and for a person that changes equipment as often as one changes their mind - it says something
They really are an amazing head .... they fly unbelievable ... If I had to pick only one head to use, it would be the Stinger .. but I am an idiot and I want to try all these other heads too
I would agree, Magnus makes great heads and the Stinger is tops on the list! I used them for the last 5yrs (4 bld, 125's) and can't complain at all. I've also used the regular 2blade and even the Snuffer. All good heads. I switched to ST's this year because my high dollar Octane quiver is so dang shallow , I didn't want to cut my fingers off in the dark. Stingers hang out of the hood about 3/4". I have no idea why BT didn't make the plastic hood part about an inch longer. A great quiver, but a seriously stupid design. The ST's were one of the only heads I could get to fit completely up in the hood. I would still be using the Stingers if not for that.
Yep, I just bounced a Stinger off a big ole rock right next to where the buck was standing, the head was fine, just needed to re-sharpen the blades! either way if there was a problem with it, send it back and wait for the new one, excellent warranty!
Yep, the Stinger is a great head. I used the regular 2-blade on four deer and they were all dead within 50 yards.